Keycloak 及其不同的适配器是否实现了 Openid Connect Backchannel 注销规范

Do Keycloak and its different adapters implement the Openid Connect Backchannel logout spec

Keycloak 确实支持后台通道注销,但它是否符合 Openid Connect 后台通道注销草案规范?

这是关于这个话题的Keycloak's Jira Issue。去投票吧!

在检查了规范和 Keycloaks 实现之后,我不得不说它不符合规范。例如,这是应该从 OP 发送到 RP 的所需注销令牌格式的差异:

2.4. Logout Token

OPs send a JWT similar to an ID Token to RPs called a Logout Token to request that they log out. ID Tokens are defined in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core].

The following Claims are used within the Logout Token:

    REQUIRED. Issuer Identifier, as specified in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core]. 
    OPTIONAL. Subject Identifier, as specified in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core]. 
    REQUIRED. Audience(s), as specified in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core]. 
    REQUIRED. Issued at time, as specified in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core]. 
    REQUIRED. Unique identifier for the token, as specified in Section 9 of [OpenID.Core]. 
    REQUIRED. Claim whose value is a JSON object containing the member name This declares that the JWT is a Logout Token. The corresponding member value MUST be a JSON object and SHOULD be the empty JSON object {}. 
    OPTIONAL. Session ID - String identifier for a Session. This represents a Session of a User Agent or device for a logged-in End-User at an RP. Different sid values are used to identify distinct sessions at an OP. The sid value need only be unique in the context of a particular issuer. Its contents are opaque to the RP. Its syntax is the same as an OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier. 

A Logout Token MUST contain either a sub or a sid Claim, and MAY contain both. If a sid Claim is not present, the intent is that all sessions at the RP for the End-User identified by the iss and sub Claims be logged out.

这是 Keycloak 在其当前版本 (8.0.1) 中发送的内容:

  "id": "3536c4c4-fa51-4691-bc09-d229df83f774-1579360301277",
  "expiration": 1579360331,
  "resource": "resource-server-1",
  "action": "LOGOUT",
  "adapterSessionIds": [
  "notBefore": 0,
  "keycloakSessionIds": [

OpenID Connect 后台通道注销已在 Keycloak 12.0 中实现,shipped in December 2020
