Bing Maps REST 工具包 - 访问 RESPONSE 对象

Bing Maps REST Toolkit - accessing RESPONSE object

我无法实际访问这个未记录的 class 中的成员:BingMapsRESTToolkit.Response

各个地方的代码(例如)Bing Maps REST Services Toolkit - Access Value Outside of Delegate 似乎是从 MSDN 复制非工作示例。

例如,此方法无法访问 Response 对象中包含的 Snapped 坐标数组。将 rez 分配给响应的演员表的那一行给了我们一个空值。

private List<Coordinate> MapSnaps(List<Coordinate> coordinates)
    // Build our request object
    var req = new SnapToRoadRequest();
    req.BingMapsKey = _sessionKey;
    req.UserRegion = "US";
    req.SpeedUnit = SpeedUnitType.MPH;
    req.TravelMode = TravelModeType.Driving;
    req.Points = coordinates;
    var response = req.Execute().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

    if(response != null &&
       response.ResourceSets != null &&
       response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 &&
       response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null &&
       response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0)
        // rez gets nothing, results in null because the two objects are nothing alike
        var rez = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as BingMapsRESTToolkit.Location;

        // Snaps has 69 SnappedPoint items, but the member as shown in the debug window
        // SnappedPoints under snaps cant be accessed in code - just in debugger
        var snaps = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0]; // 

        Console.WriteLine("-.-"); // <-- breakpoint here


    // TODO: Once we get this response snafu sorted, convert and return
    // matching list of road-snapped coordinates to caller...

    return ConvertToCoords(response);

当我使用 Visual Studio 2019 进行调试时,它清楚地显示 response.ResourceSet[0].Resources[0] 中有 69 个 'SnappedPoint' 值等待使用——但是我无法接近他们。这是调试器显示的内容:

快照 BingMapsRESTToolkit.SnappedPoint[69]

SnappedPoints   BingMapsRESTToolkit.SnappedPoint[69]
BoundingBox     null
Type            null

Each member of the SnappedPoints array contains:

    Coordinate          {Lat:double, Lon:double}
    Index               int
    Name                String for name of road
    SpeedLimit          double?
    TruckSpeedLimit     double?

尝试:snaps.SnappedPoints[x] 无效,因为该成员不存在。 BoundingBox 和 Type 都可以访问并设置为 null,但我无法访问 SnappedPoints 的内容。没有智能感知,手动输入成员名称只会导致错误。


事实证明,解决方案相当简单,但至少对我而言,在 BingMapsRESTToolkit 项目的(缺乏)文档中没有推断出来。

根据初始请求,Response 对象可以采用多种对象类型。

为了访问 SnappedPoints 数组,Response 必须转换为 SnapToRoadResponse 类型,例如:

var snaps = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as SnapToRoadResponse;
