boost::format 十六进制的奇怪行为

Odd behavior in boost::format hex

我正在尝试格式化二进制数组:char* memblock 为十六进制字符串。


fprintf(out, "0x%02x,", memblock[0]);



当我尝试像这样在 ofstream 上使用 boost::format 时:

std::ofstream outFile (path, std::ios::out); //also tried with binary
outFile << (boost::format("0x%02x")%memblock[0]);

我得到了这样一个奇怪的输出(在 Vi 中看到):0x0^?.


假设0x7f字符CTRL-?,看起来它正在输出memblock[0] 作为一个字符而不是一个十六进制值,尽管你的格式字符串。

根据我在文档中阅读的内容,这实际上是有道理的。 Boost::format 是一个类型安全的库,其中格式说明符指定变量的输出方式,但受所述变量的实际类型限制, 优先。

documentation 状态(我的粗体):

Legacy printf format strings: %spec where spec is a printf format specification.

spec passes formatting options, like width, alignment, numerical base used for formatting numbers, as well as other specific flags. But the classical type-specification flag of printf has a weaker meaning in format.

It merely sets the appropriate flags on the internal stream, and/or formatting parameters, but does not require the corresponding argument to be of a specific type. e.g. : the specification 2$x, meaning "print argument number 2, which is an integral number, in hexa" for printf, merely means "print argument 2 with stream basefield flags set to hex" for format.

大概,当您打印 char 时,将字段标志设置为十六进制没有多大意义,因此它被忽略了。另外从该文档(虽然解释了一点):

The type-char does not impose the concerned argument to be of a restricted set of types, but merely sets the flags that are associated with this type specification. A type-char of p or x means hexadecimal output but simply sets the hex flag on the stream.

this link:


My colleagues and I have found, though, that when a %d descriptor is used to print a char variable the result is as though a %c descriptor had been used - printf and boost::format don't produce the same result.

上面链接的 Boost 文档还解释了零填充 0 修饰符适用于 所有 类型,而不仅仅是整数类型,这就是为什么你在 0x0^? 中获取第二个 0^? 是一个 单个 字符)。

在很多方面,这类似于试图在 C++ 中输出一个 const char * 以便您看到一个 指针的问题。 下面的代码:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
   const char *xyzzy = "plugh";
   std::cout << xyzzy << '\n';
   std::cout << (void*)xyzzy << '\n';
   return 0;



因为标准库知道 C 风格的字符串是一种特殊情况,但是如果您告诉它们是一个空指针,它们会给您一个指针作为输出。

您的 特定情况下的解决方案可能只是将您的 char 转换为 int 或智能处理 %x 格式说明符:

outFile << (boost::format("0x%02x") % static_cast<int>(memblock[0]));