如何在 Python 中的 for 循环结果周围加上引号?
How do you put quotations around a result from a for loop in Python?
在 Python 中,我试图让 for 循环迭代产生引号,以便它传递给循环内的另一个函数。这是我的代码以及对我正在尝试做的事情的进一步解释:
read = pd.read_csv('Stocks.csv', header=None, delimiter=',')
for x in read[0]:
Ticker = x #I need the x iteration to have quotations around the result to pass into the results = si.get_quote_table(x, dict_result=False) import
results = si.get_quote_table(x, dict_result=False)
#The x in the parenthesis represents a stock ticker symbol from the csv file within the for loop. This will bring back data on the stock. It requires having quotations around the input for the si.get_quote_table to respond.
results.to_csv('Stockdata.csv', index=False)
如果有人能提供,我将不胜感激 help/guidance。
x = 'BTC'
y = f"'{x}'"
感谢您的贡献。我发现问题存在于我的 csv 文件的第一行 "Symbol" 作为 header 并且它导致了问题。我如何跳过第一行或在我的代码中指示它们是 header 行,以便迭代从第二行开始?再次感谢!
在 Python 中,我试图让 for 循环迭代产生引号,以便它传递给循环内的另一个函数。这是我的代码以及对我正在尝试做的事情的进一步解释:
read = pd.read_csv('Stocks.csv', header=None, delimiter=',')
for x in read[0]:
Ticker = x #I need the x iteration to have quotations around the result to pass into the results = si.get_quote_table(x, dict_result=False) import
results = si.get_quote_table(x, dict_result=False)
#The x in the parenthesis represents a stock ticker symbol from the csv file within the for loop. This will bring back data on the stock. It requires having quotations around the input for the si.get_quote_table to respond.
results.to_csv('Stockdata.csv', index=False)
如果有人能提供,我将不胜感激 help/guidance。
x = 'BTC'
y = f"'{x}'"
感谢您的贡献。我发现问题存在于我的 csv 文件的第一行 "Symbol" 作为 header 并且它导致了问题。我如何跳过第一行或在我的代码中指示它们是 header 行,以便迭代从第二行开始?再次感谢!