
How do I write a unit test that should fail?


public static void TestScope()
    String str;
        str = scope .();
    str.ToUpper(); // str should be marked as deleted here

您可以将 Test 属性参数化为 Test(ShouldFail=true)

测试过程首先 运行 所有不应失败的测试,然后 运行 所有应该失败的测试。如果任何应该失败的测试没有失败,其余应该失败的测试仍然是 运行。

例如,测试这个 class:

class Program
    public static void TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds()
        String str;
        str = scope:: .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will not fail

    public static void TestScopeShouldFail()
        String str;
        str = scope .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will fail

    public static void TestScopeShouldNotFail()
        String str;
        str = scope:: .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will not fail

    public static void Main()



...将首先成功完成 TestScopeShouldNotFail,然后意外完成 TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds,然后预计会在 TestScopeShouldFail 中失败。因此,它将为 TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds.
