
Overload resolution for template operators in namespaces

我 运行 在进入命名空间时遇到模板运算符重载的一些麻烦。考虑添加数组:

// overloads.hpp
#include <array>

namespace mylib {

template <size_t N>
using DoubleArray = std::array<double,N>;

template <size_t N>
DoubleArray<N> operator+( const DoubleArray<N>& lhs, const DoubleArray<N>& rhs ) {return DoubleArray<N>();}


namespace mylib 中测试它按预期工作。

// test.cpp
#include "overloads.hpp"

namespace mylib {

void test()
    DoubleArray<3> a({1.0,0.0,0.0});
    DoubleArray<3> b({0.0,1.0,0.0});
    DoubleArray<3> c(a+b);                        // <-- ok


现在假设我在命名空间 mylib::mysublib 中有一个 Complex class,它有自己的 operator+ 和一个来自 DoubleArray 的构造函数(这个构造函数有要显式以防止隐式转换):

// nested.cpp
#include "overloads.hpp"

namespace mylib {
    namespace mysublib {

        struct Complex
            Complex() {};
            explicit Complex( const DoubleArray<2>& components );

            DoubleArray<2> _components;

        Complex operator+(const Complex& rhs, const Complex& lhs) {return Complex();}

        void testNested()
            DoubleArray<2> a({1.0,0.0});
            DoubleArray<2> b({0.0,1.0});
            DoubleArray<2> c(a+b);                        // <-- no match for ‘operator+’
            DoubleArray<2> d( mylib::operator+(a,b) );    // <-- ok



error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘mylib::DoubleArray<2> {aka std::array<double, 2>}’ and ‘mylib::DoubleArray<2> {aka std::array<double, 2>}’)
     DoubleArray<2> c(a+b);                        // <-- no match for ‘operator+’



namespace mylib {
    namespace mysublib {

        struct Complex
            Complex() {};
            explicit Complex( const DoubleArray<2>& components );

            DoubleArray<2> _components;

        //Complex operator+(const Complex& rhs, const Complex& lhs) {return Complex();}

        void testNested()
            DoubleArray<2> a({1.0,0.0});
            DoubleArray<2> b({0.0,1.0});
            DoubleArray<2> c(a+b);                        // <-- no match for ‘operator+’
            DoubleArray<2> d( mylib::operator+(a,b) );    // <-- ok



定义 Complex operator+(const Complex& rhs, const Complex& lhs) {return Complex();} 隐藏了预期的运算符


struct Complex {
  explicit Complex(const DoubleArray<2>& components);

  DoubleArray<2> _components;

  friend Complex operator+(const Complex& rhs, const Complex& lhs) { return Complex(); }

根据C++ standard working draft N4140

When two or more different declarations are specified for a single name in the same scope, that name is said to be overloaded.

在您的例子中,两个 operator+ 函数是在不同的命名空间中声明的,因此不符合重载解析的条件。

当编译器找到第一个匹配项 Complex operator+(const Complex& rhs, const Complex& lhs) 时,DoubleArray 无法隐式转换为 Complex。因此,您得到了 no match for ‘operator+’ 错误。