
Removing a random page break in latex

我正在尝试写一份简历,但中间部分和 \section*{Professional Experience} 之间总是出现分页符。如果我删除该部分*,我仍然会得到一个分页符,但就在 'Professional Experience' 措辞之后。我试过 \nopagebreak 和 \filpage 都没有用。下面是一段代码:


\usepackage{array, xcolor}
\newcommand \VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}




\textbf{\huge Joe M. M. Davies} \vspace{5mm}\
j.m.m.davies@*******  $|$ [ADDRESS] \vspace{2.5mm} \
07******* $|$ linkedin.com/in/j******* $|$ https://gitlab.cern.ch/j******** \vspace{2.5mm} \
Strong analytical, communication and problem solving abilities, developed through my education and work experiences. Looking for a position in data science, suiting my expertise in machine learning.

\section*{Professional Experience} 
July 2019 - September 2019&{\bf Data Science Intern, [REDACTED]}\ [5pt]
&{Receipt Bank is an accounting/bookkeeping firm that uses machine learning to extract information from receipts. I was working to segment their user base using exploratory data analysis and, specifically, unsupervised machine learning techniques such as k-means clustering. This involved using python with packages like: sklearn, numpy, pandas and scipy. Also developed skills in SQL using both Looker and the SQLalchemy library in python. The results were insights that I presented to the business which aided them in understanding how their users interact with the service (via web or mobile apps). For this I was awarded a monthly salary of £1800 per month. \vspace{5mm}}\```

(Bits and pieces removed to preserve anonymity)
Many thanks!

分页的原因可能是在 \section*{Professional Experience} 之后您启动了一个 table,它可能需要整个页面(因此 "Professional Experience" 不适合),但似乎是代码丢失,所以我不知道。

此致, 丽莎