SQRT 使用任何方法(f.e。牛顿)但分隔符后的数字位数固定

SQRT using any method (f.e. Newton) but with fixed number of digits after separator

我需要使用任何方法、任何数学算法计算 Python 数字 num (0 < num <= 1000000000000000 ) 的 3 平方根。问题是我需要在 dot(浮点数分隔符)之后将其计算为 P (0 <= P <= 10000) 位数字,结果应向下舍入(始终为较小的数字) .当然,我不能使用 math.sqrt().

所以如果 num 是 55 并且 P = 6,函数应该 return: 7,416198

所以如果 num 是 55 并且 P = 10,函数应该 return: 7,4161984870


def square_root(num, P):
    x = num
    y = 1
    e = 10 ** (-P)
    while (x - y > e):
        x = (x + y) / 2
        y = num / x

    return x

我应该使用 Decimal 类型吗?

在大多数情况下,您已有的算法是正确的。主要问题是精度,如您所料,您可以使用 Decimal class.

import Decimal

def square_root(num, P):
    # need to set the decimal precision to more than enough digits to handle the full calculation
    # (the number of decimal places, plus the number of digits in the original number, 
    # should be enough - this counts the numbers both before and after the decimal point)
    # I add +2 to give some room to spare, as well
    decimal.getcontext().prec = P + len(str(num)) + 2
    # now, do the algorithm you have, except with everything as fixed-point Decimal objects
    x = decimal.Decimal(num)
    y = decimal.Decimal(1)
    e = decimal.Decimal(10) ** decimal.Decimal(-P)
    # important: I changed this to >= so that it runs when P=0.
    # Otherwise we output 2 when P=0, when we should output 1.
    while (x - y >= e):
        x = (x + y) / 2
        y = num / x
    # now, truncate to exactly the desired number of digits
    # this is straightforward - we can just use the built-in `round()` method with P
    # we subtract e/2 to simulate always rounding down, since round() simply rounds to closest.
    return round(x - (e / 2), P)


>>> square_root(2, 0)
>>> square_root(2, 1)
>>> square_root(2, 3)
>>> square_root(2, 5)
>>> square_root(2, 100)
>>> square_root(2, 10000)
