使用 chrome_print 编织 pagedown html_resume 到 pdf 会产生错误

knit pagedown html_resume to pdf with chrome_print produces error

我想制作 HTML 和 pagedown::html_resumepagedown::chrome_print 简历的 PDF 版本。

我尝试了 运行 以下来自 pagedown 提供的示例的代码:

title: "Lijia Yu's resume"
author: Lijia Yu
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
    # set it to true for a self-contained HTML page but it'll take longer to render
    self_contained: false
knit: pagedown::chrome_print


![Lijia Yu](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/895125?s=400&v=4){width=80%}

Contact Info {#contact}

- <i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> lijia.yu@outlook.com
- <i class="fa fa-github"></i> [github.com/yulijia](https://github.com/yulijia)
- <i class="fa fa-phone"></i> +1 000-000-0000
- For more information, please contact me via email.


Error in pagedown::chrome_print("/Users/Person/Documents/r/projects/Untitled.Rmd",  : 
  unused argument (encoding = "UTF-8")
Execution halted

如果我注释掉带有 chrome_print 的行,我不会收到错误消息。

我尝试将 Google Chrome 更新到最新版本 (79.0.3945.130) 但无济于事。我在 Mac 运行 Catalina 10.15.2.

上使用 knitr 1.25 版、pagedown 0.5.3 版和 RStudio 1.2.1335 版

When in doubt, try to update your packages. In your case, pagedown 0.5.3 is not the latest version. The encoding argument was added 两个月前,并包含在最新的 CRAN 版本中。所以请尝试 install.packages('pagedown').