如何从 LightningChart JS 中隐藏特定的点形状?

How to hide particular point shapes from LightningChart JS?

我想在网格的点击事件中隐藏某些数据点。我怎样才能做到这一点? 我有圆形、三角形和方形的系列,想使用显示这些符号的单独网格隐藏系列。


// Use PointSeries with Triangle shaped points as example and cache it.
const triangleSeries = chart.addPointSeries( { pointShape: PointShape.Triangle } )

// Add a checkbox to the chart for this example
const button = chart.addUIElement( UIElementBuilders.CheckBox )
// Set up the checkbox
button.setText('Click to hide/show series')
  .setPosition( {x: 95, y: 95 } )
  // Define the behavior when the button is clicked (changing its state)
  .onSwitch( (_, state) => {
    // The checkbox is in 'on' state, so restore series.
    if (state)
      // Restore the series to the chart, so it'll show in the chart again.
      // Dispose the series from the chart, effectively 'hiding' it.

您可以使用 UIElementBuilder 的 setPictureOffsetPictureOn 方法修改复选框形状:

// Create a checkbox
const checkBox = chart.addUIElement( UIElementBuilders.CheckBox
  // Modify the shape of the checkbox