golangci-lint - 想要 "really" 忽略一个 go 文件而不是简单地分析它并抑制警告 - 我目前的忽略方法会占用内存并且速度很慢

golangci-lint - want to "really" ignore a go file not simply analyse it and suppress warnings - my current ignore approach eats memory and is slow

使用 golangci-lint 我知道我可以使用 skip-dirsskip-files 设置,但这些只是在最后 停止报告 我认为工具仍然执行 "work",引用 docs :

... which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported. ...

有没有办法,比如使用 //nolint 的变体来防止某些文件首先被 golangci-lint 分析,这样我们就不会浪费构建时资源 - memory/cpu - 在他们身上?

我也试过像 // Code generated by XXX. DO NOT EDIT. 这样的顶部行和像 //nolint 停止报告的行,但我认为 golangci-lint 仍在进行分析 - 即工具在高内存时运行缓慢存在大 "ignored" 文件。从 https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint#nolint 我可以做到

> //nolint:unparam    
> package pkg

确实没有报告 lint 错误,但我仍然使用过多的内存 例如

13:14 $ golangci-lint run --timeout 30m -v 
INFO [config_reader] Config search paths: [ REMOVED FOR Whosebug POST] 
INFO [config_reader] Used config file .golangci.yml 
INFO [lintersdb] Active 17 linters: [deadcode dogsled errcheck gocyclo golint gosimple govet ineffassign misspell nakedret scopelint staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
INFO [lintersdb] Active 17 linters: [deadcode dogsled errcheck gocyclo golint gosimple govet ineffassign misspell nakedret scopelint staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
INFO [loader] Go packages loading at mode 575 (deps|imports|name|types_sizes|compiled_files|exports_file|files) took 15.003932542s 
INFO [runner/filename_unadjuster] Pre-built 0 adjustments in 831.549179ms 
INFO [runner/unused/goanalysis] analyzers took 15.395924718s with top 10 stages: U1000: 13.12191427s, buildssa: 2.274010448s 
INFO [runner/goanalysis_metalinter/goanalysis] analyzers took 8m25.344883444s with top 10 stages: golint: 6m29.017594865s, ineffassign: 50.003663795s, vrp: 34.694968113s, misspell: 5.91752885s, buildssa: 4.09136586s, SA2003: 1.003697913s, copylocks: 660.780161ms, SA4000: 601.476823ms, SA4018: 510.871677ms, SA4004: 476.466048ms 
INFO [runner] Issues before processing: 28876, after processing: 0 
INFO [runner] Processors filtering stat (out/in): skip_files: 28876/28876, skip_dirs: 28876/28876, identifier_marker: 53/53, path_prettifier: 28876/28876, autogenerated_exclude: 53/28876, exclude: 0/53, filename_unadjuster: 28876/28876, cgo: 28876/28876 
INFO [runner] processing took 60.293318ms with stages: autogenerated_exclude: 33.592255ms, path_prettifier: 18.17708ms, skip_dirs: 4.421717ms, filename_unadjuster: 1.497968ms, cgo: 1.333012ms, identifier_marker: 1.036647ms, exclude: 220.939µs, nolint: 8.996µs, max_same_issues: 1.448µs, uniq_by_line: 592ns, exclude-rules: 544ns, max_from_linter: 467ns, skip_files: 386ns, diff: 362ns, path_shortener: 331ns, source_code: 309ns, max_per_file_from_linter: 265ns 
INFO [runner] linters took 6m47.422489108s with stages: goanalysis_metalinter: 6m28.298523575s, unused: 19.033707326s 
INFO File cache stats: 2 entries of total size 40.4MiB 
INFO Memory: 4114 samples, avg is 7797.4MB, max is 8629.2MB 
INFO Execution took 7m3.337365705s

当我删除大文件时,golangci-lint 表现良好。

Android 的 syzkaller 使用 专用构建标签来排除 golangci-lint 的文件。使用这种方法可以防止文件解析,并显着减少构建期间的内存消耗。

在需要高效跳过的Go文件顶部添加 // !codeanalysis 例如

 // +build !codeanalysis

 package foo


  deadline: 8m
    - pkg/kd
  # Autogenerated files take too much time and memory to load,
  # even if we skip them with skip-dirs.
  # So we define this tag and use it in the autogenerated files.
    - codeanalysis



  • //nolint
  • 跳过目录或跳过文件设置
  • // Code generated by XXX. DO NOT EDIT. 行显示文件已生成