在 Rust 中允许变量阴影背后的基本原理是什么?

What is the rationale behind allowing variable shadowing in Rust?

在 Rust 中 encouraged 隐藏变量:

But wait, doesn’t the program already have a variable named guess? It does, but Rust allows us to shadow the previous value of guess with a new one.


我根据自己的经验和以下来源得出这些信息:1 2 4 5


guess_int 相比,它确实具有仅创建 guess 而不是 guess_str 的优势。有优点也有缺点。

是什么让 Rust 的发明者相信优点大于缺点?



因为it was initially supported and never removed:

It’s more like we never forbade shadowing, since it just fell out of the implementation of the compiler.

As I recall, Graydon floated the idea of forbidding shadowing, but I stuck up for the feature, nobody else really cared, and so it stayed.

- pcwalton
