是否有一个框架可以执行 Spring Roo 所做的关于从以其模型定义语言定义的模型进行的正向工程?

Is there a framework that does what Spring Roo did with respect to forward engineering from a model defined in their model definition language?

Spring Roo 有一个我想找到的功能 -- 它允许您定义实体、关系和基数,并为数据库创建 JPA 服务存储库层和 DDL。此功能在其他框架中可用吗?

是的,有 JHipster. You can model them with JDL

The JDL is a JHipster-specific domain language where you can describe all your applications, deployments, entities and their relationships in a single file (or more than one) with a user-friendly syntax.