使用 Rhino Mocks 进行单元测试 INotifyPropertyChanged

Unit Test INotifyPropertyChanged using Rhino Mocks

我有一个 class 实现了 INotifyPropertyChanged,我需要测试这个接口是否实现正确。我想使用 Rhino Mock 对象来执行此操作。

class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public int X
        get => ...;
        set => ... // should check if value changes and raise event PropertyChanged

我想测试的是,当 X 更改值时,该事件 PropertyChanged 仅使用正确的参数调用一次。

MyClass testObject = new MyClass();

// the mock:
PropertyChangedEventHandler a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<PropertyChangedEventHandler>();
testObject.PropertyChanged += a;

// expect that the mock will be called exactly once, with the proper parameters
a.Expect( (x) => ???)

// change X, and verify that the event handler has been called exactly once
testObject.X = testObject.X + 1;

a.VerifyAllExpectations(); ???




What I want to test, is that when X changes value, that event PropertyChanged is called exactly once, with the proper parameters.

public class MyClassTests {
    public void Should_Call_PropertyChanged_Once() {
        //Store calls
        IDictionary<string, int> properties = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = new PropertyChangedEventHandler((s, e) => {
            if (!properties.ContainsKey(e.PropertyName))
                properties.Add(e.PropertyName, 0);


        MyClass testObject = new MyClass();
        testObject.PropertyChanged += handler;

        string expectedPropertyName = nameof(MyClass.X);
        int expectedCount = 1;

        testObject.X = testObject.X + 1;

        //Assert - using FluentAssertions

    class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged {
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

        void raisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName]string propertyName = null) {
            PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        int x;
        public int X {
            get => x;
            set {
                if (value != x) {
                    x = value;