如何在 upload_to 方法中获取 FileField 的字段名,用于在 Django 中使用 modeltranslation 翻译的字段?

How to get the fieldname of a FileField in the upload_to method, for a field translated with modeltranslation in Django?

我在 FileField 上使用 django modeltranslation。

我希望将此文件上传到路径 /path/to/file/<lang>/file.ext 中,我想最好的方法是从字段名中提取语言 (file_en、file_it、file_fr, ...) 其中 upload_to 正在运行。

# models.py
def upload_method(instance, filename):
   lang = ""  # how to get this variable? 
   return f"/path/to/file/{lang}/file.ext"

class Obj(models.Model):
   file = models.FileField(upload_to=upload_method)

# translation.py
class ObjTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions):
    fields = ("file", )


from django.utils.translation import get_language

def upload_method(instance, filename):
   lang = get_language()
   return f"/path/to/file/{lang}/file.ext"


from modeltranslation.translator import translator
from django.db.models import FileField
import os

class TranslationMeta(type):
    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        for attrname, attrvalue in attrs.items():
            if self.is_translated_field(name, attrname):
                field = attrvalue
                if isinstance(field, FileField):
                    self.update_upload_to(field, attrname)
        super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)

    def is_translated_field(self, class_name, attr_name):
        opts = translator.get_options_for_model(self)
        return attr_name in opts.get_field_names()

    def update_upload_to(self, field, attr_name):
        opts = translator.get_options_for_model(self)
        translated_fields = opts.fields[attr_name]
        for trans_field in translated_fields:
            # print(trans_field.name)
            # print(trans_field.language)
            trans_field.upload_to = self.custom_upload_to(field.upload_to, trans_field.language)    

    def custom_upload_to(self, base_upload_to, language):
        # If the original upload_to parameter is a callable,
        # return a function that calls the original upload_to
        # function and inserts the language as the final folder
        # in the path
        # If the original upload_to function returned /path/to/file.png,
        # then the final path will be /path/to/en/file.png for the
        # english field
        if callable(base_upload_to):
            def upload_to(instance, filename):
                path = base_upload_to(instance, filename)
                return os.path.join(
            return upload_to
        # If the original upload_to parameter is a path as a string,
        # insert the language as the final folder in the path
        # /path/to/file.png becomes /path/to/en/file.png for the
        # english field
            return os.path.join(

# This is how you would use this class
class MyModel(models.Model, metaclass=TranslationMeta):
    field = FileField()

m = MyModel(models.Model)

它使用内省动态覆盖由 django-modeltranslation 在幕后生成的每个特定语言的 FileField 的 upload_to 参数。


class MyModel(models.Model):
    field = FileField(upload_to=...)


field 定义为可翻译字段
from modeltranslation.translator import register, TranslationOptions
from . import models

class MyModelTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions):
    fields = ("field",)

translation.py中,django-modeltranslation 会生成类似

class MyModel(models.Model):
    field = FileField(upload_to=...)
    field_en = FileField(upload_to=...)
    field_fr = FileField(upload_to=...)

如果您在 LANGUAGES 设置中定义了 enfr

如果传递给 FileField 的 upload_to 参数是字符串形式的路径,它会被插入该语言文件夹的相同路径覆盖。 如果它是一个函数,那么该语言的文件夹将插入到该函数返回的路径中。


class MyModel(models.Model):
    field = FileField(upload_to="/path/to/file.png")

def get_upload_path(instance, filename):
    return "path/to/file.png"

class MyModel(models.Model):
    field = FileField(upload_to=get_upload_path)


  • 文件的英文版本将存储在 /path/to/en/file.png
  • 法语版本的文件将存储在 /path/to/fr/file.png