我想在 Centos 7 上用 Clang 60 编译 Boost 1.70

I want to compile Boost 1.70 with Clang 60 on Centos 7

我想尝试另一个 C++ 编译器 (CLang 6),但我依赖于 Boost。如何安装 Boost?

虽然使用 toolset=clang 编译 Boost 很容易通过 ansible-role https://github.com/dockpack/base_boost/pull/24, the problem really is where to get Clang 6 for Centos 7 上的 PR 实现?

Note: Since the November 2018 release, Red Hat’s Clang/LLVM package naming convention has changed so that the Red Hat version number now reflects the upstream version. The llvm-toolset-7packages (without the dot zero), are based on Clang/LLVM 5.0. The new package name for Clang/LLVM 7.0 is llvm-toolset-7.0 (seven dot zero). Although this might seem confusing now, hopefully it will make things easier for everyone going forward.

我对 RHEL 7 可用的 llvm-toolset-6.0 感兴趣,但在 CentOS 7.

Springdale Linux 通常重建 SCL 的东西比 CentOS Software Collections SIG 快得多。

llvm-toolset-7 包含 LLVM 5.0.1。

llvm-toolset-6.0 包含 LLVM 6.

llvm-toolset-7.0 包含 LLVM 7.

name=Springdale SCL Base $releasever - $basearch