
Filter array with multiple conditions and that some of them can be null

我有一个用于呈现 vuetify v-list 的 JS 文件,它可以有 2 个级别(带有子节点的节点,这些是可选的)。

我需要从用户输入的搜索框中添加过滤器,我可以过滤第一级,但第二级有问题,因为有时他们有 属性 "children" null 和其他时候他们有价值。菜单是这样的:

const Menu = [
        heading: null,
        icon: "mdi-security",
        text: "Login",
        url: {
            name: "login"
        exactUrl: false,
        children: null,
        meta: {
            publicPath: true
        heading: null,
        icon: "search",
        text: "Lista de Funcionarios",
        url: {
            name: "home"
        exactUrl: true,
        children: null,
        meta: {
            publicPath: true
        heading: {
            text: "Mantenimientos",
            publicPath: false
        icon: null,
        text: "",
        url: null,
        exactUrl: null,
        children: null,
        meta: null
        heading: null,
        icon: "mdi-account-group",
        text: "Departamentos",
        url: {
            name: "departamentos"
        exactUrl: false,
        children: null,
        meta: {
            publicPath: false
        heading: null,
        icon: "mdi-account-circle",
        text: "Funcionarios",
        url: {
            name: "funcionarios"
        exactUrl: false,
        children: null,
        meta: {
            publicPath: false
        heading: null,
        icon: "settings",
        text: "Operación",
        url: null,
        exactUrl: false,
        children: [{
            icon: "add",
            text: "Cargar Pedidos",
            url: {
                name: "departamentos"
            icon: "playlist_add_check",
            text: "Aprobar Pedidos",
            url: {
                name: "areas"

            icon: "content_copy",
            text: "Remitir Pedidos",
            url: {
                name: "maps"
        meta: null

export default Menu;


filteredMenu() {
  return this.menus.filter(menu =>


编辑 1:


如果我是对的,你想检查它的 children 是否也不是空的?您可以使用 &&

filteredMenu() {
  return this.menus.filter(menu =>
    menu.children && menu.text.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase())


methods: {
  filterMenuItems(menuItems) {
    return menuItems.filter(menuItem => {
      let found = menuItem.text.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase());
      if (!found && Array.isArray(menuItem.children)) {
        found = this.filterMenuItems(menuItem.children);
      return found;

现在你的计算 属性 可以 return this.filterMenuItems(this.menus)

filteredMenu() {
    return this.filterMenuItems(this.menus);


您可以使用 Destructuring assignment in order to get a value and set a predefined value, then using Some 您可以检查 Array 上的 truthy 条件。


filteredMenu() {
  return this.menus.filter(menu => {
    // check if the parent has the value
    const parentIncludesText = menu.text.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase())

    // define a predefined value in case 'children' is null
    const { children = [] } = menu || {}

    // check if some of the childs has the value.
    const childrenIncludesText = children.some(child => child.text.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase()))

    // then return the result of the parent and the children.
    return parentIncludesText || childrenIncludesText

您可以使用一个有用的函数 _isExist()

const _isExist = (menu, value) => menu.text.toLowerCase().includes(value.toLowerCase())


filteredMenu() {
  return this.menus.filter(
    menu =>
        _isExist(menu, this.search) ||
        (menu.children && menu.children.some(childMenu => _isExist(childMenu, this.search))),

我想你正在寻找这样的东西,它当然使用递归。不过,它使用递归的方式很重要,这意味着您要先探测 children ,然后确定是否存在 children(保留 parent), or 如果当前菜单项有给定的文本,它匹配。对于任何匹配的 children,您需要 parent,一直向内搜索菜单结构的每个分支,然后返回到 root-level 项。

这将调用 children 上的探测器,然后进一步向内运行整个过程,直到没有 children,返回每个向内的匹配集(并且它与 parent 项目),然后备份到下一个更高级别的工作。像这张图一样想,

1 match
2 match
        3az < match
        3ay < match
        3ax < match
    3a < [...match] match
    3b < match
3 [...match] match
    4a < match
4 [...match] match
5 match


const search = (items, text) => {
  const hasText = item => item.text.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase())
  const probe = (found, item) => {
    item.children = (item.children || []).reduce(probe, [])

    if (item.children.length || hasText(item)) {

    return found

  return items.reduce(probe, [])

... elsewhere ...

return search(this.menus, 'c')



  • 功能列表
  • 职能部门
  • 操作
    • Cargar Pedidos