为什么我的派生 class 显示为抽象的?

Why is my derived class showing as abstract?


..\src\CS20 Lab 2 Part 2.cpp:75:38: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type 'CS_Student'


 * Student.h
 *  Created on: Jan 23, 2020
 *      Author: Student

    enter code here

#ifndef STUDENT_H_`#define STUDENT_H_
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student {
    string *name;
    int *age;

    void setName(string s) ;
    void setAge(int i);
    string getName() const;
    int getAge() const;
    virtual void print() = 0;

    virtual ~Student();

#endif /* STUDENT_H_ */


 * Student.h
 *  Created on: Jan 23, 2020
 *      Author: Student

#ifndef STUDENT_H_
#define STUDENT_H_
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student {
    string *name;
    int *age;

    void setName(string s) ;
    void setAge(int i);
    string getName() const;
    int getAge() const;
    virtual void print() = 0;

    virtual ~Student();


#endif /* STUDENT_H_ */

派生 Class:

 * CSStudent.cpp
 *  Created on: Jan 23, 2020
 *      Author: Student

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include "CS_Student.h"
#include "Student.h"
using namespace std;

CS_Student::CS_Student() {
    favProgLang = new string;
    cout << "CS_Student object created!" << endl;

void CS_Student::setFavProgLang(string s){
    *favProgLang = s;
string CS_Student::getFavProgLang() const{
    return *favProgLang;
void CS_Student::print() const{
    cout << "\nPRINT REPORT FOR CS_STUDENT OBJECT" << endl;
    cout << "\tName: " << *name << endl;
    cout << "\tAge: " << *age << endl;
    cout << "\tFavorite Programming Language: " << *favProgLang << endl;
CS_Student::~CS_Student() {
    delete favProgLang;
    cout << "CS_Student object destroyed!" << endl;

    void setFavProgLang(string s);
    string getFavProgLang() const;
    void print() const;


 * CSStudent.h
 *  Created on: Jan 23, 2020
 *      Author: Student

#ifndef CS_STUDENT_H_
#define CS_STUDENT_H_

#include <string>
#include "Student.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class CS_Student: public Student {
    string *favProgLang;

    void setFavProgLang(string s);
    string getFavProgLang() const;
    void print() const;

    virtual ~CS_Student();

#endif /* CS_STUDENT_H_ */


#include "CS_Student.h"
#include "EnglishStudent.h"

* Function Prototypes
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void getInput(CS_Student**, const int);
void getInput(EnglishStudent**, const int);
void display(Student*);

* int main()
*   Starting point of the program.
* Output:
*   An integer to signal to the OS the exit code.

int main() {
    // variables
    const int CS_SIZE = 2;
    const int ENG_SIZE = 3;
    CS_Student* csArray[CS_SIZE];
    EnglishStudent* engArray[ENG_SIZE];

    // call the getInput method overloads for both arrays
    getInput(csArray, CS_SIZE);
    getInput(engArray, ENG_SIZE);

    // call the polymorphic display function for both arrays
    for (int i = 0; i < CS_SIZE; i++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ENG_SIZE; i++) {

    // release the dynamic memory for objects inside both arrays
    for (int i = 0; i < CS_SIZE; i++) {
        delete csArray[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < ENG_SIZE; i++) {
        delete engArray[i];

    // terminate
    return 0;

* void getInput(CS_Student** objArray, const int SIZE)
*   Use a for loop to create dynamic CS student objects. Prompt the user for the
*   name/age/favorite programming language of each CS student. Store the
*   information in the dynamic object.
* Inputs:
*   objArray - a double-pointer that should be treated as an array of dynamic
*              CS student objects
*   SIZE     - a constant integer that represents the size of the array

void getInput(CS_Student** objArray, const int SIZE) {
    // variables
    string name = "", fpl = "";
    int age = 0;

    // for each CS student
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        // create the dynamic CS student object
        objArray[i] = new CS_Student();

        // prompt and store the name of the current CS student
        cout << "Enter the name for CS student #" << i + 1 << ": ";
        getline(cin, name);

        // prompt and store for the age of the current CS student
        cout << "Enter the age for CS student #" << i + 1 << ": ";
        cin >> age;

        // need to ignore the newline in the buffer

        // prompt and store the favorite programming language of the current
        // CS student
        cout << "Enter the favorite programming language for CS student #"
             << i + 1 << ": ";
        getline(cin, fpl);

        // add the data to the dynamic object

* void getInput(EnglishStudent** objArray, const int SIZE)
*   Use a for loop to create dynamic English student objects. Prompt the user
*   for the name/age/favorite book of each English student. Store the
*   information in the dynamic object.
* Inputs:
*   objArray - a double-pointer that should be treated as an array of dynamic
*              English student objects
*   SIZE     - a constant integer that represents the size of the array

void getInput(EnglishStudent** objArray, const int SIZE) {
    // variables
    string name = "", book = "";
    int age = 0;

    // for each English student
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        // create the dynamic English student object
        objArray[i] = new EnglishStudent();

        // prompt and store the name of the current English student
        cout << "Enter the name for English student #" << i + 1 << ": ";
        getline(cin, name);

        // prompt and store for the age of the current English student
        cout << "Enter the age for English student #" << i + 1 << ": ";
        cin >> age;

        // need to ignore the newline in the buffer

        // prompt and store the favorite book of the current English student
        cout << "Enter the favorite book for English student #"
             << i + 1 << ": ";
        getline(cin, book);

        // add the data to the dynamic object

* void display(Student* obj)
*   A polymorphic function. Simply calls the (virtual) print method. Used to
*   demonstrate polymorphism. Any derived class that inherits from the Student
*   class can be used as an argument.
* Input:
*   obj - a pointer to an object that inherits from the Student class

void display(Student* obj) {

真的很困惑,因为 Student 是我的基础 class,它具有纯虚函数 virtual void print() = 0; 并且它在 CS_Student 中被覆盖 void CS_Student::print() const 我也尝试将此处的 CS_Student 更改为 Student,但没有任何改变。提前致谢

基地:virtual void print() = 0;

派生:void print() const;

派生版本中的那个额外的const改变了派生函数的签名,实例变量thisconst,因此它与基函数不匹配。要么基数必须是 const,要么派生数不能是 const。更喜欢前者。


virtual void print() = 0;


virtual void print() const= 0;

在 C++ 和最近的标准修订版中,您可以通过标记所有您希望使用 override 关键字覆盖基础 class 函数的函数来更轻松地捕捉到这一点。这几乎总是会导致更容易理解的错误消息。


void print() const override;


error: 'void CS_Student::print() const' marked 'override', but does not override
     void print() const override;