如何使用自定义功能设置 jquery ui 选项卡的活动选项卡?

How to set active tab of jquery ui tabs using custom function?

我想根据函数 active_tab() 的输出在 jquery ui 选项卡中设置活动选项卡,但是 active_tab() 函数不 运行 选项卡初始化时。

function active_tab()
    var t = 1;
    // some conditions
    return t;

$( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
    active: function(){

jQuery UI active 的选项卡选项需要一个数字,truefalse

Which panel is currently open. Multiple types supported:

  • Boolean: Setting active to false will collapse all panels. This requires the collapsible option to be true.
  • Integer: The zero-based index of the panel that is active (open). A negative value selects panels going backward from the last panel.


function active_tab(tbs, i){
  if(i == undefined){
    i = 0;
  // Add Other Conditions
  tbs.tabs("option", "activate", i);
  return i;


activate_tabs($("#tabs1"), 1);


function active_tab(){
  var t = 1;
  // some conditions
  return t;

$("#tabs1").tabs("option", "activate", activate_tab());


  activate: activate_tab()