Typescript 箭头函数中的对象字面量参数声明如何工作?

How does an object literal parameter declaration in a Typescript arrow function work?

我在应用程序中经常遇到以下 Typescript 习语。

interface something {
    comment: string;

const f = <something>({ data: result }) => result.comment;

console.log(f({ data: { comment: "Hi Mom"} }));

按预期在控制台上生成 "Hi Mom"。



Take the value of whatever the data field of the object that I pass you contains, call it result

是正确的,它被称为destructuring assignment

and cast it as a something

显然,在这个例子中,它只是一个错误,它在那里什么都不做。这些被称为 Generic types。我只能说那个例子应该看起来像那样,所以它以正确的方式使用了泛型:

interface something {
  data: {
    comment: string;

const f = <T extends something>({ data: result }: T) => result.comment;

console.log(f({ data: { comment: "Hi Mom"} }));

tslint complains that something is a shadowed name

没错,因为 something 被定义为一个接口,并且是一个通用类型,所以 tslist 抱怨
