调用 .NET Core 中缺少的端点会产生 404,但也可以作为对 Angular 的响应

Call to a missing endpoint in .NET Core produces 404 but also OK as response to Angular

调用我的后端时,我忘记了我们更改了端点的名称,所以我得到了 404。但是,我注意到提供的文本不是 Not Found在这种情况下是预期的,而是 OK。如图所示,错误消息中的(正确的)状态代码与(错误的)状态名称之间缺乏关联。


public async Task<ActionResult> GetCoordinates(int id)
  // if (output == null)
  //  return NotFound(id);

  return Ok(output);

我需要诊断问题的帮助,目前我不确定是后端需要触摸还是 Angular 中发生的事情。联系服务器的代码,书上写的很直接

getCoordinates(id: number): Observable<boolean> {
  return this.http
  .get<boolean>(this.url + "coordinates/" + id);

Observable 然后像这样在组件中使用(布尔值在 GET 上可能令人惊讶,但在我正在处理的实际情况下它是有意义的)。

onSave() {
      suc => this.router.navigate([this.origin]),
      err => console.log(err));


我只找到了 this,它只是证实了我的直觉,有些东西有问题,但没有提供关于什么的提示。另外,它是 PHP,所以我不确定相关性。

根据 RFC 7540 documentation,

For HTTP/2 responses, a single ":status" pseudo-header field is
defined that carries the HTTP status code field (see [RFC7231],
Section 6). This pseudo-header field MUST be included in all
responses; otherwise, the response is malformed (Section

HTTP/2 does not define a way to carry the version or reason phrase
that is included in an HTTP/1.1 status line.


The Fetch spec simply defines statusText as the status message value, which unless otherwise specified is OK.

For HTTP/2 it seems status message could be interpreted any number of ways:

  • empty string - because there is no reason phrase "OK"
  • because that is always the default (would be weird to have a 404 OK though) implementation defined
  • such as some default reason text for a status code

statusText:'OK' 符合 RFC,see here

然而,可以使用中间件 (as shown here) 在 .NET 核心 WebAPI 中自定义您的响应。



public class Startup
    public void Configure(
        IApplicationBuilder app,
        IHostingEnvironment env,
        IApiVersionDescriptionProvider provider,
        VersionedODataModelBuilder builder)


public class ErrorHandling
    public ErrorHandling(RequestDelegate next)
        this.next = next;

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
            await next(context);
        catch (Exception ex)
            await HandleExceptionAsync(context, ex);

    private static Task HandleExceptionAsync(HttpContext context, Exception ex)
        // Error handling code here
        // For example if you want to set a specific statusCode
        context.Response.StatusCode = MySpecificStatusCode;