While 循环跳过 C 字符串的 cin.getline()
While loop skips cin.getline() for C-string
我想使用 while 循环重复询问用户使用 cin.getline() 的一行输入并将输入存储为 C 字符串。
#include <iostream>
int main()
const int N = 3;
char arr[N + 1] = {};
while (true)
std::cout << "Please enter " << N << " characters: ";
std::cin.getline(arr, N + 1, '\n');
如果用户键入 abc
,则 arr
包含 a
如果用户键入 abcd
,则 arr
仍包含 a
,但在next 循环第一个元素 a
更改为 [=18=]
并且程序再也不会为下一行输入暂停。它只是一遍又一遍地打印出 "Please enter 3 characters: " 。为什么?无论输入如何,我怎样才能让它每次都暂停?
感谢 Olaf 指出我需要重置故障位。
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int N = 3;
char arr[N + 1] = {'[=12=]'};
while (true)
cout << "Please enter " << N << " characters: ";
cin.getline(arr, N + 1, '\n');
if (cin.fail())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
根据 documentation,第二个参数 N + 1
必须包含 '[=11=]'
输入不是有效输入,因为 getline()
需要 5
的大小来存储字符串以及 '[=11=]'
发生这种情况,因为 failbit
is set, see std::basic_istream::getline
Behaves as UnformattedInputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, extracts characters from *this and stores them in successive locations of the array whose first element is pointed to by s, until any of the following occurs (tested in the order shown):
- end of file condition occurs in the input sequence (in which case setstate(eofbit) is executed)
- the next available character c is the delimiter, as determined by Traits::eq(c, delim). The delimiter is extracted (unlike basic_istream::get()) and counted towards gcount(), but is not stored.
- count-1 characters have been extracted (in which case setstate(failbit) is executed).
我想使用 while 循环重复询问用户使用 cin.getline() 的一行输入并将输入存储为 C 字符串。
#include <iostream>
int main()
const int N = 3;
char arr[N + 1] = {};
while (true)
std::cout << "Please enter " << N << " characters: ";
std::cin.getline(arr, N + 1, '\n');
如果用户键入 abc
,则 arr
包含 a
如果用户键入 abcd
,则 arr
仍包含 a
,但在next 循环第一个元素 a
更改为 [=18=]
并且程序再也不会为下一行输入暂停。它只是一遍又一遍地打印出 "Please enter 3 characters: " 。为什么?无论输入如何,我怎样才能让它每次都暂停?
感谢 Olaf 指出我需要重置故障位。
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int N = 3;
char arr[N + 1] = {'[=12=]'};
while (true)
cout << "Please enter " << N << " characters: ";
cin.getline(arr, N + 1, '\n');
if (cin.fail())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
根据 documentation,第二个参数 N + 1
必须包含 '[=11=]'
输入不是有效输入,因为 getline()
需要 5
的大小来存储字符串以及 '[=11=]'
发生这种情况,因为 failbit
is set, see std::basic_istream::getline
Behaves as UnformattedInputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, extracts characters from *this and stores them in successive locations of the array whose first element is pointed to by s, until any of the following occurs (tested in the order shown):
- end of file condition occurs in the input sequence (in which case setstate(eofbit) is executed)
- the next available character c is the delimiter, as determined by Traits::eq(c, delim). The delimiter is extracted (unlike basic_istream::get()) and counted towards gcount(), but is not stored.
- count-1 characters have been extracted (in which case setstate(failbit) is executed).