基本的 deeplearning4j 分类示例

Basic deeplearning4j classification example

我需要一个非常基本的分类或类似的 deeplearning4j 框架示例。

我有经典的训练集,形式为成对的已经归一化的双数组 [0.01, 0.45, 0.0, ....] -> [0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, ...] 并且需要:

  1. 构建并训练具有 N 个隐藏层的简单前馈神经网络
  2. 将一组未分类的双精度数组提供给经过训练的网络并获得一组输出向量


UPD: 类似 this 但对于 deeplearning4j 确实有帮助。

看看this example which shows how to train a nn on an XOR relationship. First you have to convert your doubles into ndarrays. To do this use the Nd4j.create(...) method. Then you need to set up a dataset like here