打开一个 fstream 进行读/写(二进制)

Opening an fstream for reading/ writing (binary)

在此程序中,用户可以使用许多选项: 选项 1:记录条目(由 EOF 键终止)。 选项 2:显示记录。选项 3:退出程序。

然后用户可以重复这个过程。我希望通过查找文件末尾来避免覆盖记录,并确保 close() 和 open() 调用正确。


fstream fs("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);


fs.open("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);


struct record
    char firstname[MAX], lastname[MAX];
    int score;

int main(){

  record r;
  // must the modes be listed in a particular order?
  fstream fs("file", ios_base::in |ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);

  if(choice == 1) // option 1 for writing 
    fs.clear(); // is it necessary to clear?
    // is it necessary to explicitly call open [and close] within 'if'
    fs.open("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); 
    fs.seekp(0, ios_base::end); //attempt to avoid overwriting previous records 

    fs.write( (char *)&r, sizeof(r) );
    fs.close(); // is it best to close the file here...
  else if(choice == 2){ /*Display records*/ }
  else if(choice == 3){ exit(1); }

  /* would it be incorrect to fs.close() here and not call fs.open() */

  return 0;

After declaring:

fstream fs("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);

is it necessary to explicitly call open;

fs.open("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);

文件流可以在它们的构造函数中打开,也可以通过调用成员函数open()打开。如果文件在调用 open() 之前已经打开,那么这是流错误报告的错误。如果文件已经打开,不需要调用open()


std::fstream fs;

这是一个没有关联文件的流,所以现在您可以用正确的语义调用 open()

must binary mode be specified?


is it necessary to clear the stream prior to writing successively?

成员函数clear()是用来清除错误掩码的,可以写入失败read/write/etc。仅当存在您希望清除的错误时才可以这样做。但是您可能不需要这样做,因为您只是打开文件而没有进行任何先前的 IO 操作。

would it be incorrect to fs.close() here and not call fs.open()

您通常不需要显式调用 close() 除非您想在流中打开一个新文件。由于 std::fstream 是一个 RAII class,close() 将在其范围的末尾(在 main 的末尾)被调用。



if (choice == 1) {
    fs.open("file", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary | ios_base::ate);
    //                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    fs.write( (char *)&r, sizeof(r));