如何使用 MPI 传递带有动态数组的自定义结构?

How to use MPI to transfer a custom struct with a dynamic array?

有一个简单的例子可以描述我的问题。 我有一个包含动态数组的自定义结构

struct my_data_type {
    int c;
    int d[];

并且根进程(进程 0)有一个这样的结构数组 nums[4]

我想通过 MPI_Scatter 将数组的块发送到不同的进程(例如,2 个进程)。这里的主要问题是我希望这个数组 d[] 是动态的。


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

    int my_size; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_size);
    int my_rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);

    int len = 2; //example: the dynamic array d contains len=2 elements
    my_data_type *nums //nums[4]
        = (my_data_type*)malloc((sizeof(my_data_type) + sizeof(int) * len) * 4);
    my_data_type *sub_nums //sub_nums[2]
        = (my_data_type*)malloc((sizeof(my_data_type) + sizeof(int) * len) * 2);

    if (my_rank == 0) { //just some examples
        nums[0].c = 0; nums[1].c = 1; nums[2].c = 2; nums[3].c = 3;
        nums[0].d[0] = 10; nums[1].d[0] = 11; nums[2].d[0] = 12; nums[3].d[0] = 13;
        nums[0].d[1] = 14; nums[1].d[1] = 15; nums[2].d[1] = 16; nums[3].d[1] = 17;

    MPI_Datatype mpi_data_type; //new datatype
    int blocklens[2];
    MPI_Datatype old_types[2];
    MPI_Aint indices[2];

    blocklens[0] = 1; blocklens[1] = len;
    old_types[0] = MPI_INT; old_types[1] = MPI_INT;
    MPI_Address(&nums[0].c, &indices[0]);
    MPI_Address(&nums[0].d[0], &indices[1]);
    indices[1] = indices[1] - indices[0];
    indices[0] = 0;

    MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blocklens, indices, old_types, &mpi_data_type);

    MPI_Scatter(nums, 2, mpi_data_type,
                sub_nums, 2, mpi_data_type,
                0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    cout << "rank " << my_rank << ": " << endl;
    cout << "c: " << sub_nums[0].c << ", " << sub_nums[1].c << endl;
    cout << "d: " << sub_nums[0].d[0] << ", " << sub_nums[0].d[1] << ", ";
    cout << sub_nums[1].d[0] << ", " << sub_nums[1].d[1] << endl;


    return 0;

如果我在struct my_data_type的定义中将int d[];改成int d[2];,我肯定会得到像

rank 0: 
c: 0, 1
d: 10, 14, 11, 15
rank 1: 
c: 2, 3
d: 12, 16, 13, 17


rank 0: 
c: 0, 10
d: 10, 14, 14, 15
rank 1: 
c: 33, 0
d: 0, 0, 0, 1


我在这方面可能是错的,但我认为你想要的是保存一个指向数组的指针(即 int** myArrPointer),因为我认为你需要做的,因为我不认为可以在C中分配一个数组(即myArr = myOtherArr),就是:

  1. 计算新数组的大小
  2. 为新数组分配内存
  3. 在您的结构中存储指向该新数组的指针


struct my_data_type 
    int ArrSize;
    int** PointerToAnArray;

void SomeFunForSwappingArrays(my_data_type* instance, int newArrSize)
    int* newArr = (int*)malloc(newArrSize*sizeof(int));
    //free the memory of the old array. if you don't need the data anymore, i would
    //consider doing this.
    //save the memory address of the new array
    instance->PointerToAnArray = &newArr;
    instance->ArrSize = newArrSize;


您的根本问题不是 mpi,而是使用具有灵活数组成员的结构数组。这是一个示例程序来说明问题

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef struct s s;
struct s
    int c;
    int d[];

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    assert(sizeof(s) == sizeof(int));

    int len = 4;
    s* okay = malloc(sizeof(*okay) + sizeof(int)*len);

    intptr_t true_size = (intptr_t)&okay->d[len] -(intptr_t)(okay);
    assert(true_size == ((len+1)*sizeof(int)));

    int nbad = 6;
    s* bad = malloc((sizeof(*bad) + sizeof(int)*len)*nbad);

    intptr_t bad_size = (intptr_t)&bad[1] -(intptr_t)&bad[0];

    /* this size mismatch means arrays of `s` do not do what you think they do */
    assert(bad_size != true_size);
    assert(bad_size == sizeof(int));

    assert((char*)&bad[1] == (char*)&bad[0].d[0]);
    assert((char*)&bad[2] == (char*)&bad[0].d[1]);
    assert((char*)&bad[3] == (char*)&bad[0].d[2]);

    assert((char*)&bad[1].d[0] == (char*)&bad[0].d[1]);
    assert((char*)&bad[2].d[0] == (char*)&bad[0].d[2]);
    assert((char*)&bad[3].d[0] == (char*)&bad[0].d[3]);


s* s_index(const s* a, int len, int index)
    uintptr_t true_size = sizeof(*a) + len*sizeof(int);
    return (s*)((char*)a + index * true_size);

然后使用 s_index 访问所需的数组成员,而不是 bad[0]bad[1] 构造:

s* first = s_index(bad, len, 0);
s* second = s_index(bad, len, 1);
assert((char*)&first->d[len] == (char *)second);