
How to simultaneously capture external command output and print it to the terminal


$OUTPUT = $(flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tail -1)


$OUTPUT = $(flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | out | tail -1)

假设的 out 实用程序也会将输出发送到终端。


我假设你的意思是 bash,因为据我所知,powershell 中没有 tail



# redirect the file descriptor 3 to 1 (stdout)
exec 3>&1

longRunningCmd="flutter build ios --release --no-codesign"

# use tee to copy the command's output to file descriptor 3 (stdout) while 
# capturing 1 (stdout) into a variable
output=$(eval "$longRunningCmd" | tee >(cat - >&3) )

# last line of output
lastline=$(printf "%s" "$output" | tail -n 1)

echo "$lastline"

注意:在类Unix平台上,是最简单的;除了也在 Windows 上工作之外,下面的解决方案可能对在 PowerShell 中逐行处理外部程序输出感兴趣。


我不确定 flutter 是如何报告其进度的,但以下方法可能有效:

如果一切都转到 stdout:

$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | % {
  Write-Host $_ # print to host (console)
  $_  # send through pipeline
} | select -Last 1

注意:%ForEach-Object, and select the one for Select-Object 的内置别名。

如果进度消息转到 stderr:

$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign 2>&1 | % {
  Write-Host $_.ToString() # print to host (console)
  if ($_ -is [string]) { $_ }  # send only stdout through pipeline
} | select -Last 1

[1] 正如变量名中的 $ 印记 在赋值的 LHS 中 和 [=19 周围的空格所证明的那样=]
($OUTPUT = ),两者都不会像 bash / POSIX 那样的 shell 中预期地工作。

我在管道中使用写入进度。 为了保持可读管道,我写了一个函数

function Write-PipedProgress{ <#

    Insert this function in a pipeline to display progress bar to user

    $Result = (Get-250Items | 
        Write-PipedProgress -PropertyName Name -Activity "Audit services" -ExpectedCount 250 |



begin {
    Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    $ItemCounter = 0
process {
    Write-Verbose "Start processing of $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)($Data)"

    try {
        # (3) mitigate unexpected additional input volume"
        if ($ItemCounter -lt $ExpectedCount) {
            $StatusProperty = if ($propertyName) { $Data.$PropertyName } > > else { ""}
            $StatusMessage = "Processing $ItemCounter th $StatusProperty"
            $statusPercent = 100 * $ItemCounter / $ExpectedCount
            Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $StatusMessage -> > PercentComplete $statusPercent
        } else {
            Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "taking longer than expected" -PercentComplete 99

        # return input data to next element in pipe
    } catch {
    finally {
        Write-Verbose "Complete processing of $Data in > $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

end {
    Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Completed
    Write-Verbose "Complete $($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - processed $ItemCounter items"


希望对您有所帮助 ;-)

我相信这会起作用,至少在 osx 或 linux powershell(甚至 Linux 的 Windows 子系统)中可以使用这些命令。我用 "ls" 而不是 "flutter" 测试了它。真的有"out"命令吗?

$OUTPUT = bash -c 'flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tee /dev/tty | tail -1'

或者,假设 tee 没有别名为 tee-object。实际上,tee-object 也可以。

$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tee /dev/tty | tail -1

它也可以与 $( ) 一起使用,但您不需要它。在powershell中,它用于组合多个管道。