如何将一个 directory/folder 及其内容复制 100 次?

How to duplicate one directory/folder and its contents 100 times?

我需要知道如何为同一个文件夹及其子文件夹制作 100 个副本。


for /l %i in (1,1,1) do xcopy /i /e "folder 1" "folder 2"

有没有办法将此代码 运行 复制 100 次并复制文件夹 1 及其内容的 100 个副本?

只需尝试增加 for /L 循环中的 %L 变量,从 1,1,11,1,100...

  • 在命令行中:
for /L %L in (1,1,100)do %__APPDIR__%xcopy.exe /i /e "folder 1" "folder %L"

@echo off && for /L %%L in (1,1,100)do %__APPDIR__%xcopy.exe /i /e "folder 1" "folder %%L"

your cmd:  (     1,        1,     1 ) == 1, 1, 1 
    loop:  ( start, increase, until ) == x,+1, y
you need:  (     1,        1,   100 ) == 1, 1, 100