有没有办法通过键入 TypeScript 方法装饰器来限制它可以装饰的方法的类型?

Is there a way to type a TypeScript method decorator to restrict the type of the method it can decorate?

我想编写一个 TypeScript 方法装饰器,它只能应用于具有特定类型的第一个参数的方法。这是我正在使用的代码库中的一种常见模式,用于传递具有数据库、指标、日志记录等句柄的请求上下文。我想编写一个装饰器,在请求上下文中需要这些资源之一,但是在其他方面与请求上下文的形状无关。


interface MyResource {
    logMetricsEtc(...args: any): void;

interface HasResourceINeed {
    myResource: MyResource;

function myDecorator<TFn extends ((tContext: HasResourceINeed, ...rest: any) => any)>(
    _target: object,
    key: string | symbol,
    descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<TFn>,
): TypedPropertyDescriptor<TFn> | void {
    const originalHandler = descriptor.value!;

    descriptor.value = function (this: any, context: HasResourceINeed, ...inputs: any) {

        return originalHandler.apply(this, [context, ...inputs]);
    } as TFn;

在使用中,启用 strictFunctionTypes 后,此装饰器在应用于看起来合理的方法时会导致编译错误:

interface ServiceContext {
    myResource: MyResource;
    otherResource: {
        sendMessageEtc(msg: string): Promise<void>;

class MyBusinessClass {
    // This causes a compile error, but shouldn't - the decorator will 
    // work here at runtime.
    async foo(context: ServiceContext, x: number): Promise<void> {


    // This example MUST cause a compile error to prevent invalid 
    // usage - there's no resource available in the first arg for the
    // decorator to use.
    async bar(y: string): Promise<void> {



Argument of type 'TypedPropertyDescriptor<(context: ServiceContext, x: number) => Promise<void>>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'TypedPropertyDescriptor<(tContext: HasResourceINeed, ...rest: any) => any>'.
  Types of property 'value' are incompatible.
    Type '((context: ServiceContext, x: number) => Promise<void>) | undefined' is not assignable to type '((tContext: HasResourceINeed, ...rest: any) => any) | undefined'.
      Type '(context: ServiceContext, x: number) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to type '(tContext: HasResourceINeed, ...rest: any) => any'.(2345)

我无法合理地关闭 strictFunctionTypes。有没有一种方法可以编写装饰器类型来接受 foo 但拒绝 bar?

大概您希望 myDecorator() 的输入在修饰方法的第一个参数的类型 R 中是通用的,而不一定是在整个方法的类型 Fn 中。这将允许您接受第一个参数是 R 的某个子类型的方法,而不是 Fn 的子类型的方法(这意味着它们的参数必须是 supertypes of R by method parameter contravariance and is not the constraint you want to apply).


function myDecorator<R extends HasResourceINeed>(
    _target: object,
    key: string | symbol,
    descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<((tContext: R, ...rest: any) => any)>,
): TypedPropertyDescriptor<((tContext: R, ...rest: any) => any)> | void {
    const originalHandler = descriptor.value!;
    descriptor.value = function (this: any, context: R, ...inputs: any) {
        return originalHandler.apply(this, [context, ...inputs]);


class MyBusinessClass {

    @myDecorator // okay
    async foo(context: ServiceContext, x: number): Promise<void> {


    @myDecorator // error
    async bar(y: string): Promise<void> {



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