使用嵌套集模型在 sqlite 中存储分层数据如何将一个类别移动到另一个类别

Using nested set model to store Hierarchical data in sqlite how can I move a category into another category

我正在尝试使用 SQLite 存储分层数据。搜索了很多之后,我选择使用 nested set model instead of an adjacency list,因为几乎 90% 的操作都是读取,只有 10% 是 updates/deletes/creates.

我按照这个例子: http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Managing-Hierarchical-Data-with-PHP-and-MySQL.html




id   name   left_node   right_node
1    name1     1          2

** 我没有找到解释如何更新我真正需要的层次结构的地方。 **


public function delete_node($pleft, $pright){

$width = $pright-$pleft+1;

$delete_sql = "delete from categories where left_node between $pleft and $pright";
$update_sql1 = "update categories set right_node = right_node-$width where right_node > $pright";
$update_sql2 = "update categories set left_node = left_node-$width where left_node> $pright";

return $this->db->trans_status();

这是我的删除方法,需要 30 毫秒才能完成。这正常吗?

我解决了问题,感谢帮助 https://rogerkeays.com/how-to-move-a-node-in-nested-sets-with-sql

我正在使用带有 sqlite 数据库的 codeigniter。 下面是我的功能,

public function move_node($pleft, $pright, $origin_left_pos, $origin_right_pos){

//the new_left_position is different according to which way you want to move the node 
$new_left_position = $pleft + 1;
$width = $origin_right_pos - $origin_left_pos + 1;
$temp_left_position = $origin_left_pos;

$distance = $new_left_position - $origin_left_pos;
//backwards movement must account for new space
if($distance < 0){

  $distance -= $width;
  $temp_left_position += $width;

$update_sql1 = "update categories set left_node = left_node+$width where left_node >=  $new_left_position";

$update_sql2 = "update categories set right_node = right_node+$width where right_node >= $new_left_position";

$update_sql3 = "update categories set left_node = left_node+$distance , right_node = right_node+$distance where left_node >= $temp_left_position AND right_node < $temp_left_position+$width";

$update_sql4 = "update categories set left_node = left_node-$width where left_node > $origin_right_pos";
$update_sql5 = "update categories set right_node = right_node-$width where right_node > $origin_right_pos";





return $this->db->trans_status();

关于您的问题,SO 中有几个答案:

Move node in nested set

Move node in Nested Sets tree

关于您的删除方法所花费的时间 运行,30 毫秒对于这种操作来说非常少,因此无需担心。不要落入 premature optimization 的陷阱。 :)