如何正确实现不相交的集合数据结构以在 Python 中查找生成森林?

How to properly implement disjoint set data structure for finding spanning forests in Python?

最近在尝试实现googlekickstater 2019编程题的解法,按照解析说明尝试实现Round E的Cherries Mesh。 这是问题和分析的link。 https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/kickstart/round/0000000000050edb/0000000000170721


t = int(input())
for k in range(1,t+1):
    n, q = map(int,input().split())
    se = list()
    for _ in range(q):
        a,b = map(int,input().split())
    l = [{x} for x in range(1,n+1)]
    for s in se:
        i = 0
        while ({s[0]}.isdisjoint(l[i])):
            i += 1
        j = 0
        while ({s[1]}.isdisjoint(l[j])):
            j += 1
        if i!=j:
    count = q+2*(len(l)-1)
    print('Case #',k,': ',count,sep='')



  • 您的算法用于检查边是否链接两个不相交的集合,如果没有则加入它们,效率低下。 Disjoint-Set data structure 上的 Union-Find 算法效率更高
  • 最终计数与原来的黑边数无关,因为那些黑边可能有循环,所以其中一些不应该被计算在内。而是计算总共有多少条边(不考虑颜色)。由于该解代表一棵最小生成树,因此边数为n-1。从中减去你拥有的不相交集的数量(就像你已经做的那样)。

我还建议使用有意义的变量名。代码更容易理解。单字母变量,如 tqs,不是很有用。

有几种方法可以实现联合查找功能。在这里我定义了一个 Node class 它有那些方法:

# Implementation of Union-Find (Disjoint Set)
class Node:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parent = self
        self.rank = 0

    def find(self):
        if self.parent.parent != self.parent:
            self.parent = self.parent.find()
        return self.parent

    def union(self, other):
        node = self.find()
        other = other.find()
        if node == other:
            return True # was already in same set
        if node.rank > other.rank:
            node, other = other, node
        node.parent = other
        other.rank = max(other.rank, node.rank + 1)
        return False # was not in same set, but now is

testcount = int(input())
for testid in range(1, testcount + 1):
    nodecount, blackcount = map(int, input().split())
    # use Union-Find data structure
    nodes = [Node() for _ in range(nodecount)]
    blackedges = []
    for _ in range(blackcount):
        start, end = map(int, input().split())
        blackedges.append((nodes[start - 1], nodes[end - 1]))

    # Start with assumption that all edges on MST are red:
    sugarcount = nodecount * 2 - 2
    for start, end in blackedges:
        if not start.union(end): # When edge connects two disjoint sets:
            sugarcount -= 1 # Use this black edge instead of red one

    print('Case #{}: {}'.format(testid, sugarcount))

您得到的答案不正确,因为您计算的计数不正确。它需要 n-1 条边将 n 个节点连接成一棵树,其中 num_clusters-1 个必须是红色的。


值得庆幸的是,几乎任何编程语言都可以很容易地在单个 array/list/vector 中实现非常高效的不相交集数据结构。这是 python 中的一个不错的。我的盒子上有 python 2,所以我的打印和输入语句与你的略有不同:

# Create a disjoint set data structure, with n singletons, numbered 0 to n-1
# This is a simple array where for each item x:
# x > 0 => a set of size x, and x <= 0 => a link to -x

def ds_create(n):
    return [1]*n

# Find the current root set for original singleton index

def ds_find(ds, index):
    val = ds[index]
    if (val > 0):
        return index
    root = ds_find(ds, -val)
    if (val != -root):
        ds[index] = -root # path compression
    return root

# Merge given sets. returns False if they were already merged

def ds_union(ds, a, b):
    aroot = ds_find(ds, a)
    broot = ds_find(ds, b)
    if aroot == broot:
        return False
    # union by size
    if ds[aroot] >= ds[broot]:
        ds[aroot] += ds[broot]
        ds[broot] = -aroot
        ds[broot] += ds[aroot]
        ds[aroot] = -broot
    return True

# Count root sets

def ds_countRoots(ds):
    return sum(1 for v in ds if v > 0)

# CherriesMesh solution
numTests = int(raw_input())
for testNum in range(1,numTests+1):
    numNodes, numEdges = map(int,raw_input().split())
    sets = ds_create(numNodes)
    for _ in range(numEdges):
        a,b = map(int,raw_input().split())
        print a,b
        ds_union(sets, a-1, b-1)
    count = numNodes + ds_countRoots(sets) - 2
    print 'Case #{0}: {1}'.format(testNum, count)