ViewContainerRef 与 ngFor

ViewContainerRef vs ngFor

什么比较好?使用 ngFor 或 ViewContainerRef 动态创建组件?有什么区别?


1) 第一个选项如下

items: number[] = [];

addItem() {

<my-component *ngFor="let item of items"></my-component>

2) 第二个选项

@ViewChild('viewContainerRef', { read: ViewContainerRef }) VCR: ViewContainerRef;

  index: number = 0;

  componentsReferences = [];

  constructor(private CFR: ComponentFactoryResolver) {

  createComponent() {

    let componentFactory = this.CFR.resolveComponentFactory(ChildComponent);
    let componentRef: ComponentRef<ChildComponent> = this.VCR.createComponent(componentFactory);
    let currentComponent = componentRef.instance;

    currentComponent.selfRef = currentComponent;
    currentComponent.index = ++this.index;

    // prividing parent Component reference to get access to parent class methods
    currentComponent.compInteraction = this;

    // add reference for newly created component

  remove(index: number) {

    if (this.VCR.length < 1)

    let componentRef = this.componentsReferences.filter(x => x.instance.index == index)[0];
    let component: ChildComponent = <ChildComponent>componentRef.instance;

    let vcrIndex: number = this.VCR.indexOf(componentRef)

    // removing component from container

    this.componentsReferences = this.componentsReferences.filter(x => x.instance.index !== index);

第一个选项是迭代数组并通过带有 ngFor 的组件显示其内容的典型方法。第二个选项使用 ViewContainerRef 而不是 ngFor。可以在以下链接中看到示例。


If you want to insert new component or template, you need to tell Angular where to put this element. And that's what ViewContainerRef is. It is A DOM element (container) where you can put your newly component as a sibling to this element.

*ngFor Directive in Angular. NgFor is a built-in template directive that makes it easy to iterate over something like an array or an object and create a template for each item. ... of users means that we'll be iterating over the users iterable that should be made available in our component

总而言之,如果你想插入一个新的组件或模板作为兄弟,你可以选择 ViewContainerRef,如果你只是迭代一个数组或一个对象并在同一组件中创建模板,使用 ngFor
