使用 Turf.nearPoint() 时应该使用什么样的点? Turf.nearestPoint() 的文档似乎不正确

When using Turf.nearPoint() what kind of point should be used? Documentation for the Turf.nearestPoint() does not seem correct

我放在这里的任何代码都是我必须从另一个系统转录的东西,所以我没有简单的方法来只 post 我的代码。如果有,我会 post 整个该死的项目。

我试图在我们的项目中实施此 https://turfjs.org/docs/#nearestPoint,但我不断收到错误消息。

TS2345: Arguments of type 'FeatureCollection < Geometry | GeometryCollection, {[name:string]: any; } is not assignable to parameter of type 'FeatureCollection < Point, {[name:string]: any;} > '

Type Geometry is not assignable to type Point Type of property type are incompatible Type string is not assignable to type Point

我看到了这个post 在 post 中有

map.on('click', function(e) {
  var coord = e.latlng;
  var lat = coord.lat;
  var lng = coord.lng;
  var targetPoint = turf.point([lng, lat]);
  var nearest = turf.nearestPoint(targetPoint, points);


但是总是出现上面提到的 TS 错误。

此外,Turf 页面上的文档指出 targetPoint 是一个 Coord,但其他 posters 代码有一个 Turf.point,它是一个 Feature



targetPoint----Coord-----the reference point

points------FeatureCollection< Point >------against input point set

经过 8 个多小时的努力,我已经没有头发可拔了,我怀疑我今天所做的一切。



假设你的点是标记 (L.Marker):

map.on('click', function (e) {
var layersToSearch = [];
map.eachLayer(layer => {
    if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
nearestLayer = L.GeometryUtil.closestLayer(map, layersToSearch, e.latlng); 
nearestLayer.layer.bindPopup('Nearest Point').openPopup();



import * as Turf from '@turf/turf';

private handleClickEvent(e: Leaflet.LeafletEvent) {
    const latLng: Leaflet.LatLng = e.latlng;
    // Note in Turf it is backwards longitude, latitude where normally its lat, lng
    let mapClickLocation: Feature<Point> = Turf.point( [latLng.lng, latLng.lat] );

    let allYourGeoPoints: Array<Feature<Point>> = [];
    // Values you'd set in the allYourGeoPoints e.g.
    allYourGeoPoints.push(Turf.point([lng, lat], {'id': idOfYourRecord});

    // Create a collection of points usable by Turf
    let collectionOfPoints: FeatureCollection<Point> = Turf.featureCollection(allYourGeoPoints);

    // Now find the nearest item
    let nearestPointFound: NearestPoint = Turf.nearestPoint(mapClickLocation,  collectionOfPoints);
