为什么 Swift 中的数组索引不是 return 的可选值?

Why does array indexing in Swift not return an optional value?

访问字典时,例如 [String:Any],结果类型为 Optional(Any)。

索引 [Any] 的数组时,结果类型为 Any,调用可能会引发致命错误。


用 guard let、if let、? 和 ?? 来分支执行会很好,但是你必须将数组索引包装在 if data.count <= index.


Commonly Rejected Changes


Strings, Characters, and Collection Types

  • Make Array<T> subscript access return T? or T! instead of T: The current array behavior is intentional, as it accurately reflects the fact that out-of-bounds array access is a logic error. Changing the current behavior would slow Array accesses to an unacceptable degree. This topic has come up multiple times before but is very unlikely to be accepted.



extension Collection {
    subscript(safelyIndex i: Index) -> Element? {
        get {
            guard self.indices.contains(i) else { return nil }
            return self[i]

let array = Array(0...10)
let n = [safelyIndex: 3]
print(n as Any) // => Optional(3)