API 来自函数 return 的响应 return 未定义

API response return from a function returns undefined

所以我有两个js文件 file1.js

const { expect } = require("chai");
const { createEnrollment } = require("../utils/file2")
describe('create enrollment', function () {
   it('enroll the user into the system',  async function () {
        var x = createEnrollment(inputParams)



const fetch = require('node-fetch')
async function createEnrollment(params) {
fetch('URL').then(function (response) {
response.json().then(function (text) {
  var val = text;
  console.log("VALUE " + val.userId)
  return text;
module.exports = { createEnrollment }

但是当我 运行 时,此代码 console.log(x) 未定义并且在 createEnrollment 完成之前 运行ning。 我使函数异步,但返回的值仍然未定义。

Fetch 是一个异步函数,因此需要与 async/await 或 promise 链一起使用。


async function callAPI(url) 
  let response = await fetch(url);
  let data = await response.json()
  return data;

如果您没有在其中 await 构建函数,则无需将函数声明为 async

您必须等待异步函数解析。为了做到这一点(没有 async/await),您需要访问承诺以等待它解决。因此,您需要 return createEnrollment 方法中的承诺:

function createEnrollment(params) {
    // Note the return before the fetch!
    return fetch('URL')
        .then(function(response) {
            return response.json();
        .then(function(text) {
            var val = text;
            console.log("VALUE " + val.userId)
            return text;

现在在你的测试中,你可以等待 promise 被解决:

describe('create enrollment', function () {
    it('enroll the user into the system', function () {
        // The return here is intended for the test to wait until the promise is fullfilled.
        return createEnrollment(inputParams).then(function(x) {

或者,如果您使用 async/await 语法:

async function createEnrollment(params) {
    const response = await fetch('URL');
    const text = await response.json();
    return text;
describe('create enrollment', function () {
    it('enroll the user into the system', async function () {
        const x = await createEnrollment(inputParams);