ADO Recordset 筛选器比较两个字段

ADO Recordset filter comparing two fields


对于具有 n 个字段(Field1、Field2、...、Fieldn)的给定 ADO 记录集


rs.Filter = "Field1 = 'something'"


rs.Filter = "Field1 = Field2"


The criteria string is made up of clauses in the form FieldName-Operator-Value

Value is the value with which you will compare the field values (for example, 'Smith', #8/24/95#, 12.345, or .00). Use single quotes with strings and pound signs (#) with dates. For numbers, you can use decimal points, dollar signs, and scientific notation. If Operator is LIKE, Value can use wildcards. Only the asterisk (*) and percent sign (%) wild cards are allowed, and they must be the last character in the string. Value cannot be null.

这表明不支持相互比较字段。 Value 必须是文字。