Wildfly 18 是否支持 Seam 2.3 应用程序?
Does Wildfly 18 Supports Seam 2.3 Applications?
我想将应用程序从 Wildfly 8 迁移到最新的 Wildfly 18。Web 应用程序使用以下框架:hibernate 3、seam 2.2、JSF 1.2 和 Richfaces 3.3.3。由于 Wildfly 不再支持 hibernate 3,我们需要迁移到与 Seam 2.2 不兼容的 hibernate 4。因此,我们必须迁移到 Seam 2.3,这导致迁移到 JSF 2.3(Wildfly 模块)和 Richfaces 4。
我的项目是一只耳朵,里面有一个 war 文件夹。
对于 JSF,我正在使用 Wildfly 支持的模块 com.sun.faces.impl 和 javax.faces.api。我还在 web-inf/lib.
下添加了 jsf-facelets-1.1.15.jar 作为 jar
对于休眠,我将以下 jar 放在耳边:hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.5.Final.jar、hibernate-core-4.3.11.Final.jar 和 hibernate-entitymanager-4.3。 11.Final.jar.
对于 seam,我包含了 seam jar:jboss-seam.jar、jboss-seam-debug.jar、...
对于 Richfaces,我在 war 文件夹下包含了以下库:richfaces-a4j-4.5.17.Final.jar、richfaces-core-4.5.17.Final.jar 和 richfaces-rich -4.5.17.Final.jar。我还包括了它们的依赖项。
有人遇到过这个问题吗?你知道最新的 Wildfly 是否仍然支持 Seam 2.3,尤其是在 Seam 文档中,他们在 Jboss As 7 上提供了项目示例?
Seam Moving Forward
As many of you may be aware, there have been a number of changes
within Seam over the past year. Here is a quick highlight of the
changes and how they may affect you and your application.
Seam 2
Seam 2.2 targets JBoss AS 5 and 6 as well as JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform 5 - Java EE 5 based architecture Seam 2.3 targets
Java EE 6 capabilities such as JSF2 and JPA2 on the JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform 6 - Seam 2.3 also supports RichFaces 4 which is
also available for commercial support via Web Framework Kit. If you
are looking for the long-term support with a service level agreement
of Seam 2.2 and/or Seam 2.3 then please contact us at
http://www.redhat.com/contact/sales.html Seam 2.3 is part of Web
Framework Kit, included as part of the JBoss Enterprise Application
Platform subscription .
Seam 2.3 was released in September 2012. This is an update to the Seam
2 code base to make it compatible with Jave EE 6. It runs well on
JBoss AS 7.
Seam 3
Active development of Seam 3 has been halted by Red Hat. Many projects
have moved over to Apache DeltaSpike , and others have been absorbed
into different projects. Please see the below table for information
about where the functionality from each module has gone and how you
can participate.
所以不,它不支持 WildFly 18 (Java EE 8)
- Richfaces 已经 'dead'(日落)4 年了。 https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesEnd-Of-LifeQuestionsAnswers
- JSF 2.x 内置了 facelets,因此无需包含它们。 (甚至会导致问题)
- Wildfly 18 内置了 JPA2,因此无需手动包含 hibernate(甚至可能会导致问题)
- 另读https://docs.jboss.org/seam/2.3.0.Final/reference/en-US/html/migration23.html
- PrimeFaces(完全符合 html 5、css3 等)
- JPA2
- CDI(带 Deltaspike)
- OmniFaces
- 擎天柱
是一种更好的方式(虽然 JSF 是 'old' 与 e.t.c 相比。Angular 它在与上述技术结合时仍然是现代的并且更稳定)。
我想将应用程序从 Wildfly 8 迁移到最新的 Wildfly 18。Web 应用程序使用以下框架:hibernate 3、seam 2.2、JSF 1.2 和 Richfaces 3.3.3。由于 Wildfly 不再支持 hibernate 3,我们需要迁移到与 Seam 2.2 不兼容的 hibernate 4。因此,我们必须迁移到 Seam 2.3,这导致迁移到 JSF 2.3(Wildfly 模块)和 Richfaces 4。
我的项目是一只耳朵,里面有一个 war 文件夹。 对于 JSF,我正在使用 Wildfly 支持的模块 com.sun.faces.impl 和 javax.faces.api。我还在 web-inf/lib.
下添加了 jsf-facelets-1.1.15.jar 作为 jar对于休眠,我将以下 jar 放在耳边:hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.5.Final.jar、hibernate-core-4.3.11.Final.jar 和 hibernate-entitymanager-4.3。 11.Final.jar.
对于 seam,我包含了 seam jar:jboss-seam.jar、jboss-seam-debug.jar、...
对于 Richfaces,我在 war 文件夹下包含了以下库:richfaces-a4j-4.5.17.Final.jar、richfaces-core-4.5.17.Final.jar 和 richfaces-rich -4.5.17.Final.jar。我还包括了它们的依赖项。
有人遇到过这个问题吗?你知道最新的 Wildfly 是否仍然支持 Seam 2.3,尤其是在 Seam 文档中,他们在 Jboss As 7 上提供了项目示例?
Seam Moving Forward
As many of you may be aware, there have been a number of changes within Seam over the past year. Here is a quick highlight of the changes and how they may affect you and your application.
Seam 2
Seam 2.2 targets JBoss AS 5 and 6 as well as JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 - Java EE 5 based architecture Seam 2.3 targets Java EE 6 capabilities such as JSF2 and JPA2 on the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 - Seam 2.3 also supports RichFaces 4 which is also available for commercial support via Web Framework Kit. If you are looking for the long-term support with a service level agreement of Seam 2.2 and/or Seam 2.3 then please contact us at http://www.redhat.com/contact/sales.html Seam 2.3 is part of Web Framework Kit, included as part of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription .Seam 2.3 was released in September 2012. This is an update to the Seam 2 code base to make it compatible with Jave EE 6. It runs well on JBoss AS 7.
Seam 3
Active development of Seam 3 has been halted by Red Hat. Many projects have moved over to Apache DeltaSpike , and others have been absorbed into different projects. Please see the below table for information about where the functionality from each module has gone and how you can participate.
所以不,它不支持 WildFly 18 (Java EE 8)
- Richfaces 已经 'dead'(日落)4 年了。 https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesEnd-Of-LifeQuestionsAnswers
- JSF 2.x 内置了 facelets,因此无需包含它们。 (甚至会导致问题)
- Wildfly 18 内置了 JPA2,因此无需手动包含 hibernate(甚至可能会导致问题)
- 另读https://docs.jboss.org/seam/2.3.0.Final/reference/en-US/html/migration23.html
- PrimeFaces(完全符合 html 5、css3 等)
- JPA2
- CDI(带 Deltaspike)
- OmniFaces
- 擎天柱
是一种更好的方式(虽然 JSF 是 'old' 与 e.t.c 相比。Angular 它在与上述技术结合时仍然是现代的并且更稳定)。