您能否使用 Microsoft Power Automate 开发公司范围的工作流解决方案?

Can you use Microsoft Power Automate to develop a company wide workflow solution?


Microsoft Power Automate 是适合此类工作的工具,还是[只是] 用于自动执行个人任务的工具?我正在寻找可用于开发公司中每个人都可以使用的工具的东西。


Power Automate(又名 MS Flow)是一种低 code/no 代码业务工作流管理或流程编排软件,通过包含机器人流程自动化和虚拟代理获得更多功能。

这个概念是为所有可用的 SaaS 解决方案(命名为 Dynamics、Salesforce、Oracle、SAP、Twitter、Facebook、Exchange 邮箱、OneDrive、SharePoint 等)提供各种连接器,以充当触发器和操作实现我们想要的。在最坏的情况下,我们可以使用 REST API 来完成项目设置。

社区通过展示个人物品的自动化来演示它的实用性,但它还有更多。 MS Flow 是 Dynamics CRM 365 工作流和 SharePoint 工作流的替代品。它绝对是解决公司范围内问题(如入职、审批和许多其他工作流程解决方案)的企业候选人。

就我个人而言,我会查看该级别的 Azure 逻辑应用程序。它具有与 MS Flow 几乎相同的连接器,但增加了更好的管理、故障排除和可扩展性功能,您可以获得 Azure 中安全性的所有好处以及公司需要的合规性好东西

查看业务流程 (BPF)。


以下文字来自link上的“Why use business process flows?”:

Business process flows provide a guide for people to get work done. They provide a streamlined user experience that leads people through the processes their organization has defined for interactions that need to be advanced to a conclusion of some kind. This user experience can be tailored so that people with different security roles can have an experience that best suits the work they do.

Use business process flows to define a set of steps for people to follow to take them to a desired outcome. These steps provide a visual indicator that tells people where they are in the business process. Business process flows reduce the need for training because new users don’t have to focus on which table they should be using. They can let the process guide them. You can configure business process flows to support common sales methodologies that can help your sales groups achieve better results. For service groups, business process flows can help new staff get up-to-speed more quickly and avoid mistakes that could result in unsatisfied customers.

您可以创建广泛或详细的 BPF,以涵盖公司范围的业务流程。您还可以调用单独的正常流程、验证等。有很多方法可以使用 BPF 来推动公司的发展。