
Recursive algorithm to solve change-making problem

我想做一个递归算法来解决找零问题。是否可以使用一种非动态方法,不仅 return 是最小硬币数量,而且 return 是用于构成给定值的一组硬币,

例如,给定值 6 和一组硬币 = [1, 3, 4]。是否有可能制作一个不记忆的递归算法,它可以 return 最小硬币数 (2) 和硬币组 (3,3)?

编辑:这是我当前的算法,但它只有 return 硬币总数:

int makeChangeRecursive(int[] coins, int numCoins, int amount)
   int r, l;
   if (A == 0) return 0;
   else if (n == -1 || A < 0) return -1;
   r = makeChangeRecursive(coins, numCoins - 1, amount);
   l = 1 + makeChangeRecursive(coins, numCoins, amount - coins[numCoins]);
   if (r == -1 && l == 0) return -1;
   else if ((r == -1 || l < r) && l != 0) return l;
   return r;

makeChangeRecursive({1, 2, 5}, 2, 11);

会 return 3 但我希望它也提供集合 {5, 5, 1}。第二个参数(2)是硬币个数减1。


您只需要考虑您 return 的元素:这里是 int,是 struct (int + history) 以及汇总您的 "returned" 值的函数:这​​里的总和 (1 + int)->int 用于跟踪

int -> 1 + int
// becomes
(int, history) -> (int+1, history + pieceTaken)


struct NbCoin {
  int nbCoin;
  vector<int> history; // array of pieces you took during recursion

//now makeChangeRecursive returns the number of coin AND history
NbCoin makeChangeRecursive(int[] coins, int numCoins, int amount)
    int r, l;
    if (A == 0) return { nbCoin: 0, history: []}; //like before but with the empty history
    else if (n == -1 || A < 0) return { nbCoin: -1, history: []}; // idem

    // now contains our history as well
    r = makeChangeRecursive(coins, numCoins - 1, amount);

    // here you are taking some coin, so track it into history
    l = makeChangeRecursive(coins, numCoins, amount - coins[numCoins]);
    l = { 
      nbCoin: 1 + l.nbCoin, // like before
      history : l.history.concat(coins[numCoins]) // pieceTaken is coins[numCoins]
      // concat should create a __new__ array merging l.history and coins[numCoins]

    // put nbCoin everywhere as our comparison key
    if (r.nbCoin == -1 && l.nbCoin == 0) return { nbCoin: -1, []};
    else if ((r.nbCoin == -1 || l.nbCoin < r.nbCoin) && l.nbCoin != 0) return l;
    return r;

makeChangeRecursive({1, 2, 5}, 2, 11);

在您管理代币数量的所有地方,您都在管理 struct.nbCoin,并同时更新历史记录。

