我可以使用 SimpleXML 来解析结构未知的 XML 吗?

Can I use SimpleXML to parse XML whose structure is unknown?

我正在使用 SimpleXML 来解析通信协议中使用的小 XML 文件。这一切都很好,但现在我正在实施协议的一部分,其中包括一种自由格式 XML.

例如,像这样的 XML:


其中 foobar 将来可能会更改,或者可能会添加一个元素 baz,而无需触及解析代码。我想使用

之类的结构访问 Java 中的这些元素
tree.getConfig().get("bar");   // returns "no"

我可以使用 SimpleXML 来解析吗?我查看了文档,但找不到我需要的内容。

Can I use SimpleXML to parse that?

不是开箱即用的 - 但写一个 Converter 就可以了。

@Root(name = "telegram")
@Convert(Telegram.TelegramConverter.class) // Requires AnnotationStrategy
public class Telegram
    private Map<String, String> config;

    public String get(String name)
        return config.get(name);

    public Map<String, String> getConfig()
        return config;

    // ...

    public String toString()
        return "Telegram{" + "config=" + config + '}';

    static class TelegramConverter implements Converter<Telegram>
        public Telegram read(InputNode node) throws Exception
            Telegram t = new Telegram();

            final InputNode config = node.getNext("config");
            t.config = new HashMap<>();

            // Iterate over config's child nodes and put them into the map
            InputNode cfg = config.getNext();

            while( cfg != null )
                t.config.put(cfg.getName(), cfg.getValue());
                cfg = config.getNext();

            return t;

        public void write(OutputNode node, Telegram value) throws Exception
            // Implement if you need serialization too
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");



final String xml = "<telegram>\n"
        + "  <config>\n"
        + "    <foo>yes</foo>\n"
        + "    <bar>no</bar>\n"
        + "    <baz>maybe</baz>\n" // Some "future element"
        + "  </config>\n"
        + "</telegram>";
 * The AnnotationStrategy is set here since it's
 * necessary for the @Convert annotation
Serializer ser = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy());
Telegram t = ser.read(Telegram.class, xml);



Telegram{config={bar=no, foo=yes, baz=maybe}}

因为@Convert 符号也可以放在字段上,所以我发现了比“ollo”的精彩回答更简洁的代码:

    @Root(name = "telegram")
// Requires AnnotationStrategy
public class Telegram {
    private Map<String, String> config;

    public String get(String name) {
        return config.get(name);

    public Map<String, String> getConfig() {
        return config;

    // ...

    public String toString() {
        return "Telegram{" + "config=" + config + '}';

    static class ConfigConverter implements Converter<Map<String, String>> {
        public Map<String, String> read(final InputNode configNode) throws Exception {
            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

            // Iterate over config's child nodes and put them into the map
            InputNode cfg = configNode.getNext();

            while (cfg != null) {
                map.put(cfg.getName(), cfg.getValue());
                cfg = configNode.getNext();

            return map;

        public void write(OutputNode node, Map<String, String> value) throws Exception {
            // Implement if you need serialization too
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");



        final String xml = "<telegram>\n"
            + "  <config>\n"
            + "    <foo>yes</foo>\n"
            + "    <bar>no</bar>\n"
            + "    <baz>maybe</baz>\n" // Some "future element"
            + "  </config>\n"
            + "</telegram>";
     * The AnnotationStrategy is set here since it's
     * necessary for the @Convert annotation
    Serializer ser = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy());
    Telegram t = ser.read(Telegram.class, xml);

    assertEquals(3, t.getConfig().size());