在 paypal 沙盒中未收到 IPN

Not receiving IPNs in paypal sandbox

"Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history" 在 sandbox paypal 中为空,尽管以下值与 django-paypal 一起发送:

    # Paypal initial values
    paypal_dict = {
        "business": settings.SANDBOX_PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL,
        "amount": "2.5",
        "currency_code": "GBP",
        "item_name": "item",
        "notify_url": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('paypal-ipn')),
        "return": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('blog:article', args=(ar_id, "payment_successful"))),
        "cancel_return": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('blog:article', args=(ar_id, "payment_cancelled"))),
        "custom": "plan",

Paypal listener configuration:

Notification URL    https://www.<mysite.com>/paypal/
Message delivery    Enabled

所有付款都成功,但我在 paypal 沙盒帐户中没有收到任何 IPN。

IPN simulator 工作正常,我在我的网站侦听器中收到 IPN。

我使用的是 django 3.0.2、django-paypal 1.0,我的网站是通过 https 在线的。

We're aware of an issue impacting instant payment notifications (IPN) in the Sandbox environment. IPNs have not been generated since January 31, 2020. Teams are working to resolve this issue.



是的,PayPal IPN 沙盒服务已关闭。


Initial Notification: Affected Regions: Global

We're aware of an issue impacting instant payment notifications (IPN) in the Sandbox environment. IPNs have not been generated since January 31, 2020. Teams are working to resolve this issue.

Link: https://www.paypal-status.com/incident/sandbox

下次,检查此页面以查看他们的 products/services 是否已关闭: https://www.paypal-status.com/product/sandbox