TypeError: function() got an unexpected keyword argument 'njobs'

TypeError: function() got an unexpected keyword argument 'njobs'

我正在研究使用 PyMC3 进行贝叶斯估计的 MCMC 采样的基本示例。我的代码有一个最低限度的工作示例:

# Establish the parameters of the model
p_a = .15
N = 150
n_successes_a = np.random.binomial(N, p_a)

# Build a model using the uniform prior and binomial
with pm.Model() as Model:
    # Prior on p
    prob = pm.Uniform('p')
    # Binomial likelihood
    y = pm.Binomial('y', n=N, p=prob, observed=n_successes_a)

# Begin to sample from the posterior distribution
with Model:
    samples = pm.sample(2000, njobs=1)

然后当我 运行 这个时,我得到错误:TypeError: function() got an unexpected keyword argument 'njobs'




sample() 不接受 njobs 参数。我猜你是想设置 cores 参数