使用 OAuth2 和 OpenID Connect 的会话 management/revocation

Session management/revocation with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

假设我有一个场景,其中用户使用 OAuth2/OpenID 连接流程通过身份提供者登录客户端应用程序,我如何管理决定撤销客户端对其配置文件的访问权限的用户?即,如何确保客户端应用程序自动终止本地会话?


TL;DR:如何使用 OAuth2/OpenID 连接流程实现单点退出?

您可以查看 OpenID Session management draft:

This specification complements the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 [OpenID.Core] specification by defining how to monitor the End-User's login status at the OpenID Provider on an ongoing basis so that the Relying Party can log out an End-User who has logged out of the OpenID Provider.


您还可以查看 django-oidc-provider 如何管理它: https://django-oidc-provider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sections/sessionmanagement.html