将 FormControl 验证器绑定到自定义表单 Material Select 组件

Binding FormControl validators to a custom form Material Select component

我通过示例设置了这个 stackblitz

我有一个标准的 input 表单字段和一个显示 select 绑定到数组的自定义字段。

<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
    <mat-form-field class="field">
      <input matInput placeholder="City" formControlName="address1" />

    <app-dataset-select label="Country" [items]="countries" formControlName="countryId"></app-dataset-select>



 this.formGroup = new FormGroup({
    address1: new FormControl(model.address1, Validators.required),
    countryId: new FormControl(model.countryId, Validators.required)

当我点击 SAVE 时,我希望两个字段都能明显显示验证 - FormGroup 本身说我们这样做。

但是 Country 控件没有得到 ng-invalid 状态(因此没有发红),我不确定为什么- 虽然它与 angular 的反应形式功夫黑魔法有关...

好吧,如果我们在需要时想要 "asterisk",一种方法是将我们的 mat-input 添加 [required] 属性到我们的内部输入

<mat-select ... [required]="isRequired?true:null">



  constructor(@Attribute('required') required, public injector: Injector) {


<app-custom-select placeholder="My State" formControlName="state" 
     [optionList]="stateList" required>

在那种情况下我们不能包含 Validators.required

A forked stackblitz 包含 *(如果需要)

(*) 我们也可以使用简单的@Input,但是只有当我们想要动态更改值时才必须使用@Input

非常感谢@Eliseo,但该解决方案对我现有的代码不起作用(不同的绑定方式,Angular 8?)我变得更加沮丧 - ngControl.control 是总是未定义..

解决方案显然不需要自定义 ErrorStateMatcher,但答案是确保 mat-select 绑定到 FormGroup 中的 FormControl,这很繁琐由于生命周期事件,但实际上:

export class DatasetSelectComponent extends AbstractFormFieldComponent {
  @Input() label!: string;
  @Input() items!: [{id: number, label: string}];

export abstract class AbstractFormFieldComponent implements  ControlValueAccessor {

  // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
  _formControl = new FormControl(); 
  onChange = (value: any) => {};

 constructor(@Self() @Optional() public ngControl: NgControl) {
    if(this.ngControl) {
      this.ngControl.valueAccessor = this;

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    if (this.ngControl) {
       * get a handle on the FormControl that was created in the last Reactive FormGroup in the component injection hierarchy
       * so that it can be bound to the input in our Custom Component
       * this ensures input value binding to model + explicit validation is bound
       * e.g. new FormGroup({ titleId: new FormControl(personalDetails.titleId, Validators.required) } =>
       *    <input [formControl]="this.formControl"
       * otherwise you will have to do that manually for evey single control on every single form
       * which is obviously a lot of repeating yourself

          skipWhile(fc => !fc),
        .subscribe(fc => {
          this.formControl = fc as FormControl;
            'Custom FormControl (AbstractFormFieldComponent): Binding to Reactive Form',

  get formControl() :FormControl|RequiredFormControl {
    return this._formControl;
  set formControl(forControl:FormControl|RequiredFormControl)  {
    this._formControl = forControl;

  registerOnChange(fn: (value: any) => void): void {
    this.onChange = fn;

  registerOnTouched(fn: (value: any) => void): void {}

  writeValue(value: any): void {
    if(this.formControl) this.formControl.setValue(value, { emitEvent: false });


注意删除了 NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR 的组件注入(替换为构造函数中的工作),这防止了循环依赖编译时错误:

providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      multi: true,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => CustomSelectComponent),


  <mat-select [formControl]="formControl" [required]="formControl.required">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let item of items" [value]="item.id">
      {{ item.label }}

Updated blitz