如何在不更改设备语言的情况下更改 iOS 应用程序 运行 时间的语言(比如说用按钮)

How to change language of iOS app run time( let say with a button) without changing device language

我已经尝试了互联网上所有可用的方法,但我仍然遗漏了一些东西 两个 .strings 文件中的键值也相同,添加了西班牙语,本地化了我的 LocalizeAble 文件 (我不想为模拟器调整模式) 任何回复都将是 appreciated.Thanks


class ViewController: UIViewController 
    @IBOutlet weak var firstNameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var lastNameLabel: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {super.viewDidLoad() }

    @IBAction func selectLanguageBtn(_ sender: UIButton) {
        if sender.tag == 1 {
            //sended button tag 1 for selecting English
            firstNameLabel.text = "FirstLabel".localizeableString(loc: "en")
        } else if sender.tag == 2 {
            //sended button tag 2 for selecting Spanish
            firstNameLabel.text = "FirstLabel".localizeableString(loc: "es")
  extension String {
    func localizeableString(loc:String) -> String {

        let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: loc, ofType: "lproj")
        let bundle = Bundle(path: path!)

        return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: bundle!, value: "", comment: "")
}  [enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/mrS0s.png

当您可以直接从包中检索字符串时,为什么还要使用 NSLocalizedString

还要确保文件在 en.lprojes.lproj 以及您支持的任何其他语言中都被命名为 Localizable.strings

如果文件名为Test.strings,则需要为localizedString指定table: "Test"参数。

extension String {
    public static func localized(_ key: String, language: String? = nil) -> String {
        let language = language ?? Locale.preferredLanguages.first?.components(separatedBy: "-").first ?? "en"
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: language, ofType: "lproj"), let bundle = Bundle(path: path) else {
            return Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: nil)
        return bundle.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: nil)


firstNameLabel.text = .localized("FirstName") //default
firstNameLabel.text = .localized("FirstName", language: "es") //specified

我找到了这个,它类似于 Brandon 的答案,但更方便。
你必须遵循相同的步骤,在分配字符串时只写 .localized(),它将得到字符串作为键


let LANGUAGE = "es" // Choose your language

extension String {
    func localized() -> String{
        let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: LANGUAGE, ofType: "lproj")
        let bundle = Bundle(path: path!)
        return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: bundle!, value: "", comment: "")