Dropzonoe 限制单次上传文件数,并显示错误信息

Dropzonoe limit the number of files upload at a single time, and show error message

这是我的 dropzone 选项代码。假设我想一次上传 2 个文件,总共 5 个文件,我已经实现了在该拖放区上传超过 5 个文件的 maxfileexceeded 错误消息。我需要的是,如果用户尝试一次上传超过 2 个文件,则应显示一条消息,并删除其他文件。

Dropzone.options.dropzone =
            maxFilesize: 2,
            maxFiles: 5,
            autoProcessQueue: true,
            parallelUploads: 2,
            renameFile: function(file) {
                var dt = new Date();
                var time = dt.getTime();
               return time+file.name;
            acceptedFiles: ".jpeg,.jpg,.png,.gif,.pdf",
            addRemoveLinks: false,
            timeout: 300000,
            error: function(file, response)
               return response;
            init: function() {
                this.on("maxfilesexceeded", function(file){
                    showAlert("File Limit exceeded!","error");


<form method="post" action="{{url('/saveEventFile')}}" enctype="multipart/form-data" 
                    class="dropzone" id="dropzone">

也许这对您有用 将 autoQueue 设置为 false 然后在 addedfile

Dropzone.options.dropzone =
                maxFilesize: 2,
                maxFiles: 5,
                autoProcessQueue: true,
                parallelUploads: 2,
                renameFile: function(file) {
                    var dt = new Date();
                    var time = dt.getTime();
                   return time+file.name;
                acceptedFiles: ".jpeg,.jpg,.png,.gif,.pdf",
                addRemoveLinks: false,
                timeout: 300000,
                error: function(file, response)
                   return response;
                init: function() {
                    this.on("maxfilesexceeded", function(file){
                        showAlert("File Limit exceeded!","error");
        this.on("addedfile", function(file) { if(this.files.length<=2){enqueueFile(file);} this.processQueue();});
