对读取输入文件的应用程序使用 perf 命令

Using perf command for an application which reads input file

一些应用程序通过 < 字符读取输入文件。例如,

./run_rog < input.txt

然而,以这种方式传递输入文件对 perf 命令无效。

perf stat -e instructions ./run_prog < input.txt
Failed opening logfd: Invalid argument



When running perf-stat in certain shell environments with stdout redirection there is a logging file descriptor setup failure:

Failed opening logfd: Invalid argument

显然,perf 工具需要应用补丁来解决此问题。


$ > perf --version
perf version 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64.debug


$ > echo 'Test my perf' > input.txt
$ > perf stat -e instructions cat < input.txt
Test my perf

Performance counter stats for 'cat':

       580,283 instructions              #    0.00  insns per cycle

   0.003284129 seconds time elapsed

这里有希望:这对我来说适用于性能为 3.16.4 的 openSUSE 13.2。两条命令

echo 'This is the input file' > input.txt
perf stat -e instructions /usr/bin/cat < input.txt


This is the input file

 Performance counter stats for '/usr/bin/cat':

         1,181,541      instructions             

       0.000597226 seconds time elapsed