在特定位置的另一个 XElement 中添加 XElement

Add XElement in another XElement in specific location


    <Customer id="0">
            <Account id="0" />
            <Account id="1" />
    <Customer id="2">
            <Account id="0" />

我想在客户 id=2 之前添加新的帐户元素。 我在 xelement 中有这个 xml,我想将其他 xelement 添加到第一个。怎么能那样呢? 感谢您的帮助。

linq-to-xml 让这变得简单:

// Parse our XML document to an XDocument
var xml = @"<Bank>
    <Customer id=""0"">
            <Account id=""0"" />
            <Account id=""1"" />
    <Customer id=""2"">
            <Account id=""0"" />
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

// Create our new Customer to add
var newCustomer = new XElement("Customer",
    new XAttribute("id", "1"),
    new XElement("Accounts",
        new XElement("Account", new XAttribute("id", "0"))

// Find the customer with id="2"
var customer2 = doc.Root.Elements("Customer").First(x => x.Attribute("id").Value == "2");
// Add the new customer before the customer with id="2"