TLS1.3 会话的 SSLSessionID 等价物是什么

What is the equivalent of SSLSessionID for TLS1.3 sessions

在 TLSv1.2 中,客户端能够使用 SSLSessionID 恢复。此 ID 在多个恢复会话中保持不变。

在我修改过的 apache 网络服务器中,我有一个逻辑,它根据 SSLSessionID 检查会话 cookie。如果同一个 cookie 的 SSLSessionID 发生了变化,我将放弃请求。

现在我如何在 TLSv1.3 中实现这一点。 (恢复会话不是问题,这有效。)

问题是,每个请求的 SSLSessionID 都会更改resumed 会话也是如此。



RFC 8446 在 TLS 1.3 上是这样说的:

2.2. Resumption and Pre-Shared Key (PSK)


In TLS 1.2 and below, this functionality was provided by "session IDs" and "session tickets" [RFC5077]. Both mechanisms are obsoleted in TLS 1.3.

关于 ClientHello 的第 4.1.2 节也描述了此扩展:


Versions of TLS before TLS 1.3 supported a "session resumption" feature which has been merged with pre-shared keys in this version (see Section 2.2). A client which has a cached session ID set by a pre-TLS 1.3 server SHOULD set this field to that value. In compatibility mode (see Appendix D.4), this field MUST be non-empty, so a client not offering a pre-TLS 1.3 session MUST generate a new 32-byte value. This value need not be random but SHOULD be unpredictable to avoid implementations fixating on a specific value (also known as ossification). Otherwise, it MUST be set as a zero-length vector (i.e., a zero-valued single byte length field).


但是,如果您转到 之类的内容,您会看到所有配置都是在禁用会话票证的情况下完成的。

您可以查看 了解 1.2 和 1.3 之间的变化