在 outlook angular 插件中将邮件作为文件发送到服务器
get mail as a file in outlook angular plugin to send it to server
我正在为 outlook 开发一个 Angular 插件,我们有一个基于邮件创建意见的功能。为此,我们需要在创建意见并发布到我们的服务器时将邮件本身作为附件添加到表单(一种用于意见创建的表单)。
您可以使用 EWS(makeEwsRequestAsync API) with the GetItem operation, or use REST API to obtain the item from the server. This will give you all the properties of the item. You can send this information to your backend and use it as needed. If that doesn't satisfy your needs, then please add a feature request to our UserVoice page. Feature requests on our UserVoice page 在我们进行规划过程时会被考虑。
我正在为 outlook 开发一个 Angular 插件,我们有一个基于邮件创建意见的功能。为此,我们需要在创建意见并发布到我们的服务器时将邮件本身作为附件添加到表单(一种用于意见创建的表单)。
您可以使用 EWS(makeEwsRequestAsync API) with the GetItem operation, or use REST API to obtain the item from the server. This will give you all the properties of the item. You can send this information to your backend and use it as needed. If that doesn't satisfy your needs, then please add a feature request to our UserVoice page. Feature requests on our UserVoice page 在我们进行规划过程时会被考虑。