
Detect keydown?

我想检测 Rust 中的 keydown 事件,然后检查是否按下了组合键,以便在此基础上执行进一步的操作。 所以在我的 Rust 应用程序中基本上支持键盘快捷键

我查看了一些板条箱,例如 ncurses,但它们不符合我的要求...

ANSI 终端(Linux、macOS)的最佳解决方案

如果你不需要支持 Windows 那么最好的是 termion.

这是一个用于操作终端的库。您可以在其中检测按键事件,甚至 键盘快捷键 。而且它真的很轻!只有 22.78 kB(从版本 1.5.5 开始)。


将此代码添加到 main.rs,将 termion = "1.5.5" 添加到 Cargo.toml 并以 cargo run!

use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write};
use termion::event::Key;
use termion::input::TermRead;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;

fn main() {
    let stdin = stdin();
    //setting up stdout and going into raw mode
    let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
    //printing welcoming message, clearing the screen and going to left top corner with the cursor
    write!(stdout, r#"{}{}ctrl + q to exit, ctrl + h to print "Hello world!", alt + t to print "termion is cool""#, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1), termion::clear::All)

    //detecting keydown events
    for c in stdin.keys() {
        //clearing the screen and going to top left corner
            termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1),

        //i reckon this speaks for itself
        match c.unwrap() {
            Key::Ctrl('h') => println!("Hello world!"),
            Key::Ctrl('q') => break,
            Key::Alt('t') => println!("termion is cool"),
            _ => (),



如果您需要支持Windows和所有其他平台,那么您可以使用crossterm。这是一个相当不错的图书馆,比 termion 重得多。它是 98.06 kB(从版本 0.16.0 开始)。


将此代码添加到 main.rs,将 crossterm = "0.16.0" 添加到 Cargo.toml 并尝试使用 cargo run!

//importing in execute! macro
extern crate crossterm;

use crossterm::cursor;
use crossterm::event::{read, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers};
use crossterm::style::Print;
use crossterm::terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, Clear, ClearType};
use std::io::{stdout, Write};

fn main() {
    let mut stdout = stdout();
    //going into raw mode

    //clearing the screen, going to top left corner and printing welcoming message
    execute!(stdout, Clear(ClearType::All), cursor::MoveTo(0, 0), Print(r#"ctrl + q to exit, ctrl + h to print "Hello world", alt + t to print "crossterm is cool""#))

    //key detection
    loop {
        //going to top left corner
        execute!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(0, 0)).unwrap();

        //matching the key
        match read().unwrap() {
            //i think this speaks for itself
            Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                code: KeyCode::Char('h'),
                modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
                //clearing the screen and printing our message
            }) => execute!(stdout, Clear(ClearType::All), Print("Hello world!")).unwrap(),
            Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                code: KeyCode::Char('t'),
                modifiers: KeyModifiers::ALT,
            }) => execute!(stdout, Clear(ClearType::All), Print("crossterm is cool")).unwrap(),
            Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                code: KeyCode::Char('q'),
                modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
            }) => break,
            _ => (),

    //disabling raw mode

我不想说谎,这比 termion 解决方案更难阅读,但它的作用相同。我以前没有使用 crossterm 的经验,所以这段代码实际上可能不是最好的,但它很不错。


//-- code --

loop {

    match read().unwrap() {
        Event::Key(KeyEvent {
            code: KeyCode::Char('a'),
            modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
        }) => //--code--




您可以使用 console 作为简单的跨平台解决方案。

use console::Term;

fn main() {
    let stdout = Term::buffered_stdout();

    'game_loop: loop {
        if let Ok(character) = stdout.read_char() {
            match character {
                'w' => todo!("Up"),
                'a' => todo!("Left"),
                's' => todo!("Down"),
                'd' => todo!("Right"),
                _ => break 'game_loop,
